Saturday brought the first *real* snowstorm of the “spring” semester and it was absolutely gorgeous here on The Hill. Thankfully, Saturday was still technically part of syllabus week, so we were all able to enjoy the snow and get ~sylly~. Some highlights from Instagram:
The men’s hockey game vs. Robert Morris. #gosaders
The post-Kimball view of Fenwick: priceless.
Just the lib lookin ~flawless~
Wow, wanna maybe do this on Sunday night too????
Fenwick is just TOO photogenic.
Snowbowl at the Lot.
Shout out to these second years and their igloo- truly a work of art. We all h8 whoever ruined it on Saturday night.
Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
Good job men’s basketball with the win over Navy! #SADERNATION (also how much do we love the new Wigo update?????)
So, welcome to Holy Cross, where the snow doesn’t slow us down or get in the way of making memories and having a grand old time.