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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

This semester, I’ve found myself already being assigned quite a few oral presentations and projects in my classes, and unless you’re the rare exception, you’re probably like me and slightly less than thrilled to be assigned to speak in front of a group of peers who (let’s be honest) really don’t care what you have to say. Maybe it works differently in more niche classes, but I can confidently say that my gen-ed courses aren’t exactly brimming with peers who are excited to hear me talk for half an hour. After getting my first presentation under my belt, I decided to compile a list of (hopefully) beneficial tips that can help you whenever you get up in front of a crowd this semester!

  1. Breathe.

Simple, yes, but no less important to remember. Take some deep breaths before beginning and make sure that you’re speaking at a slow pace that leaves room for breathing during your speech. 

  1. Add some self-encouragement to your notes!

While everyone is versed in presenting with bullet points in hand, I like to switch things up and add a little note or doodle to my papers that encourages me while I am speaking. It really brings a smile to my face when I get to the part of my presentation where I get to look down and see a little note that tells me I’m crushing it or a smiley face that’s blowing me a kiss. 

  1. Look just above the audience’s heads.

This one definitely helps me when I’m presenting in front of a group, especially people I don’t know. While you’re presenting, you obviously want to be engaging with your audience by using some hand gestures and not just reading from your notes. However, it can get intimidating looking out over the sea of people in front of you! What I like to do when I look up is to set my gaze just above the tops of the audience’s heads, that way I can still look out and engage with them, but I avoid making any awkward eye contact with anyone. 

  1. Wear something you feel comfortable and confident in!

This may be my favorite tip of all… what better way to feel cool and collected in front of a crowd than feeling your best in front of them! Take some time to put together an outfit that leaves you feeling both super comfy but also like an absolute boss.

Natalia Jacuch

Holy Cross '27

Natalia is a dedicated and ambitious first year student at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA. From a young age, she has had a passion for creative writing and journalism, and she anticipates to declare an English major at the college in the spring. A New Hampshire native, she loves to spend time with her mom at the bay, go striper fishing, and go on adventures. She also enjoys making Taylor Swift friendship bracelets and playing card games with friends.