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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

Romeo, O Romeo wherefore art thou Romeo…Or should I say Rudy Pankow?

Last weekend I traveled to Boston with my sister to go see the classic tale of Romeo and Juliet at the American Repertory Theatre. I know what you’re thinking;“Did she seriously just spend a lot of time and money to go see a (hot) guy in a show?” And the answer is yes, yes I did. But to be fair, he is a really attractive guy and he is #15 on my celebrity crush list. I mean, did anyone else see the way he steered that ship in Outer Banks?

But in all seriousness, it was a phenomenal performance. I have been anticipating this production all summer. The cast was absolutely captivating, bringing to life even the smallest of characters, and the directorial take on this play was simply stunning. I was familiar with the director’s work from other renowned Broadway shows, but to see it before my eyes was truly a spectacle.One thing that I did notice was that there were, unsurprisingly, a lot of tween and teenage girls in attendance. Obviously, there was a respectable number of regular theatre goers but it made me think. Would we, as a young adult audience, be in the audience if it weren’t for this heartthrob star casting? I can’t officially speak for the younger generation, but I know that I probably wouldn’t have. I mean, would I have bought a Juliet-inspired outfit if I wasn’t hoping to be Rudy Pankow’s star-crossed lover? Would I have taken the hour-long ride to Boston if it wasn’t my young teenage dream to meet “JJ Maybank” in person? I truly don’t know.

But what I can say is that I would wholeheartedly see it again and again, and I 100% recommend seeing it if you can before it closes on October 4!

Emily Arizmendi

Holy Cross '25

My name is Emily Arizmendi and I'm a senior at Holy Cross. I'm a Political Science and Dance Minor from Zion, Illinois.