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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

As a kid, I used to dread Thanksgiving because it meant I needed to eat a lot of food that I didn’t like. 

I’ve been a picky eater my entire life. Planning meals in my family was not an easy task when I was younger. My parents often ask out of exasperation: “What will you eat, Kate?” I hate that question. So, you can imagine my displeasure at needing to eat a Thanksgiving meal filled with turkey (ew), cranberry sauce (yuck), and an assortment of random vegetables (ick). I also hated pie, so dessert was always a sordid affair for me. 

Thankfully, as I’ve grown, I’ve come around to certain foods. I can stomach the vegetables and even tolerate the cranberry sauce. But I still won’t eat turkey or pie, and dessert is still sad for me as pie is always the only option. 

I survive Thanksgiving meals by putting as much stuffing, mashed potatoes, and bread on my plate as possible. My family makes fun of me for it, but those three foods are undoubtedly the best options, and also the only three Thanksgiving staples that I actually enjoy eating. 

So, to all my fellow picky eaters out there: I see you, I hear you, I commiserate with you. We will survive Thanksgiving together.

Kathleen Swanson

Holy Cross '28

Kate is from Hingham, MA and is a current freshman at Holy Cross. She is currently undecided but has interests in the humanities and environmental studies. Kate loves to read, go on runs, and spend time with her family.