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Ways You Can Use Fashion to Limit Your Carbon Footprint

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

It is important for everyone to be aware of easy and effective ways to reduce their personal carbon footprint, and one of the many ways is through fashion.

One way is buying clothes second hand- meaning shopping at thrift stores or online sites that allow people to resell their clothes such as Poshmark, Depop and eBay. These sites allow clothes that would be in landfills to get recycled and worn again!

Going along with this, donating or finding the safest way to get rid of your clothes will help limit the amount of clothes causing harm to the environment. Other ways consist of being cautious of the clothes that you buy. Some ways you can ensure that you are shopping responsibly is by knowing the materials the clothing is made from. Some of the best is organic cotton, recycled polyester, hemp and linen. Be aware if you are buying an article of clothing based on a trend that will be out of style in a short amount of time, creating a  cycle of buying and getting rid of clothes based on fleeting trends. Another thing to pay attention to is the brand itself, and how they produce their clothing.

In order to make and promote their clothes, does the company remain ethical in the way they treat the environment? A second question to ask could be, do I trust the company I am purchasing my clothes from to deliver high quality clothes that will not need to be repurchased frequently?

All of these techniques can be used to shop responsibly in a world where waste from fashion is ever increasing.

Beatrice Rastley

Holy Cross '28

Current freshman student at College of the Holy Cross. Intended major economics.