I think I have taken nearly every single personality test to exist; The Enneagram Test, The Big Five Test, The HEXACO personality test, and many more. Out of all the personality tests I have taken, my favorite, and I think the most accurate is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, or MBTI, test. MBTI was developed by Katherine Briggs and is based on the typological theory of Carl Jung who had proposed that there are 4 essential psychological functions by which we see this world. Each MBTI type consists of 4 letters, each letter represents where you fall in Jung’s 4 essential functions. There are 16 MBTI types, and within these types you are categorized into 1 of 2 subgroups.
The first function is energy. This is the basic introvert vs extrovert question. On my most recent MBTI test I was 61% extroverted, but on attempts I took years ago I was deemed an introvert. Personally, I would call myself an ambivert, but I have definitely started to lean more extraverted in the past few years. So the first letter of my MBTI type is E. If you are deemed an introvert by the quiz your first letter is an I
Mind is the second function. This category describes what people are likely to do with the information gathered from the world around them. Intuitive personality types rely on imagining the past and future potential of what they see, while Observant personality types are more interested in facts and more straightforward outcomes. For me, it is very clear where I fall in this category. Before making any choice or decision I like to see all the facts and have everything laid out in front of me. I’m also very practical and avoid getting hypothetical or philosophical. If you haven’t guessed it by now, I fall into the Observant category, making S my second letter, but if I was an Intuitive personality type, my second letter would be N.
Next is the Nature function. This category reveals if we value emotions or rationality more. People who rely more on their head fall into the thinking category and get the letter T, while people who tend to follow their heart are feelers and get the letter F. One of my favorite aspects of this quiz is the ability to see not only which category you fall into, but how much you skew to one side or another. In the Nature function I learn 71% thinking. Looking at my life this makes a lot of sense. As I mentioned before, I am a very analytical person who likes to think about my actions. So falling 71% into the thinking category feels accurate.Â
The final function is Tactics. This function reflects how people plan and deal with the options they have. Here you are asked if you prefer chaos or order, plans or spontaneity. While I love a fun, out of the blue adventure, I will always prefer solid plans. I also have a very strong work ethic which is another key characteristic of being a “judger,” which makes my final letter J. People who are more go with the flow and improvisation are called “prospectors” and get the letter P. The combination of your 4 letters makes up your MBTI type, so I am an ESTJ.
Once you have all 4 of your main letters, there is a subcategory within each type. This subcategory is called the Identity Scale and indicates how confident we are in our abilities and decisions. The Identity Scale triggers the way we react to the things life throws at us. This Scale undermines all other decisions we make which is why it is separate from the 4 functions. I am a turbulent ESTJ meaning that I can be a bit self-conscious and sensitive to stress. As an ESTJ-T I am more likely to experience a wide range of emotions and am success-driven, perfectionistic and eager to improve. The other type is the assertive personality. Assertive individuals are self-assured, even-tempered, and resistant to stress. They don’t worry too much and won’t let nervousness color the path to their accomplishments. I am 51% turbulent meaning I am right on the line between the two types which I feel is fitting. Â
Once you have your MBTI type you can find which archetype you fall into. As an ESTJ, I fall into the Sentinel archetype that also includes the ISTJ, ISFJ, and ESFJ types. Each archetype is made up of 4 MBTI types that all share core characteristics. The core characteristics of Sentinels are cooperativity and practicality, embracing and creating order, security, and stability. They’re hard-working, meticulous, and traditional, preferring to stick to their plans. The other 4 archetypes are Analysts, Diplomat, and Explores.
Now that you read about my personality type you may be wondering, how do I find my personality type? The best site to take the test on is 16 Personalities. It’s quick, only about 10 minutes and is overall really simple to complete. Once you complete your test and get your personality type they offer a lot of different information about your personality type. The best features of the website is being able to see famous people/characters that you share a personality with and being able to connect with your friends. The site also allows you to retake the test and see all your different results. I like to take the test around once a year because I feel that as I grow my personality shifts.