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Being Proactive About Holiday Blues

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Howard chapter.

From November to January, we’re expected to be happy, joyous, and expectant of beautiful experiences. We’re expected to go to pumpkin patches with friends and take cute pictures while drinking a pumpkin latté, or go see Christmas lights in our nearby cities with our boos. On New Year’s Eve, are we bringing in the new year right if we don’t have someone to kiss? But, what if someone’s current circumstances are plaguing them so much that they can’t bring themselves to experience such beautiful events?

During the Holiday season, it’s important for us to sympathize with those that feel hopeless, isolated, and disheartened. And, if we find ourselves being one of those people, it’s important for us to be proactive about managing our mental and emotional health; instead of allowing our blues to overtake us, we have to overtake it. Sympathizing with those that may feel the Holiday Blues, here are some tips to be proactive: 

  1. Taking yourself out: I know, I know… taking yourself out while desiring to be amongst others is challenging. But, taking yourself out to your favorite coffee spot, or to a holiday-themed event, allows you to connect with yourself. It allows you to be centered with yourself, appreciate your own presence, and create memories!
  2. Making holiday-themed desserts: Sometimes you fight off the blues with music, other times with desserts. 
  3. Journaling: Allow yourself to feel. Allow yourself to fully articulate your emotions during the holiday season. Sometimes we feel strong and proud, and other times we have to be vulnerable. 
  4. Pursue passions: As the holiday season is towards the end of the year, some individuals take this time to vision the passions they desire to take on for the upcoming year. Take some time to begin pursuing passions that will add fulfillment and purpose to your life. 

If you are experiencing the blues, or feel that you will as the holidays approach, it’s best to be proactive and ensure that you are keeping yourself uplifted and empowered. Here is to being proactive, and creating experiences that keep us going.

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Nia Robinson

Howard '23

I am Nia Robinson — a senior Strategic Communications student at Howard University. My love for writing and my love for inspiring others merge together through the inspirational articles that I write for Her Campus Magazine. I seek for readers to feel encouraged and empowered after reading the articles that I write.