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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Howard chapter.

By: Noah Price

October is right around the corner, and we all know what that means…it’s time to dust off the “Coraline” DVD and time to add “Thriller” back to your playlist. But this pumpkin spice season, I have something new to add to your spooky season ritual. 

If you have not seen Netflix’s new mini-series, “Dahmer,” it is a must watch this October. I know it is a little different than the Halloween classics we watch every year, as in it is not made by Tim Burton and does not include witches and vampires. Although those monster-filled movies are scary, there is nothing scarier than the real monster that is Jeffrey Dahmer. As someone who has always had peak interest in the tales of serial killers, I did not go into this show expecting to be too affected. Boy, was I wrong! Whether you are a serial-killer expert, or just someone who reads this and becomes curious, “Dahmer” will leave you feeling unsettled and probably terrified. Nothing could have prepared me for what I witnessed in these ten episodes. I have never seen a true crime series go into this much detail. While watching, the audience witnesses over half of Dahmer’s murders as well as the toll they took on him and the people around him. I already knew the story of Dahmer going into this series, but seeing the words I read on a page come to life on screen was a chilling experience. 

When discussing the success of “Dahmer,” it would be criminal not to mention the award-winning performance of Evan Peters. Peters portraying Dahmer truly was a fantastic casting; he was creepy, awkward and convincing while using a Milwaukee accent. Anyone who has seen the work of Peters in the past probably knew he was going to give us a great performance. From Quicksilver in the “Marvel X-Men” series, to his many roles in “American Horror Story,” Peters has proved that he is a capable actor. This role is simply just the cherry on top of his acting career. Although Peters served as the leading man, the entire cast contributed to the overall success of the limited series. Niecy Nash as Dahmer’s concerned neighbor, as well as Richard Jenkins as his father, also gave amazing performances. Throughout the show, the emotions and reactions of both characters felt genuine and extremely heart-wrenching. Their supporting roles did a spectacular job of provoking emotions in the audience. 

The hype behind this show is well deserved, but it is very sensitive and unsettling content. If you think you can’t handle seeing it, please do not watch due to my account. If you do think this is something you would be interested in, I highly suggest adding “Dahmer” to your list of creepy activities for this month!

Corinne Dorsey is a freshman journalism major at Howard University. Corinne is currently a freelance writer for theGrio and a contributing writer for The Hilltop, Her Campus, and Teen Graffiti Magazine. Corinne is also a radio show host for “Hard to Swallow” on WHBC 96.3. In Corinne’s free-time she enjoys spending time with friends, trying new foods, reading the latest magazine issues, exploring the city, and improving her photography skills. Post Graduation, Corinne plans to work in the media as a multimedia journalist for a magazine or TV network. Digital Portfolio: https://corinnedorsey.journoportfolio.com/