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Show Extra Gratitude This Thanksgiving

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Howard chapter.

From receiving advice, hugging when times get tough, going out on friend-dates and staying friends even when conflicts arise — friendships are so valuable, and we should show our appreciation for the friends we have been blessed with. This Thankgiving season, we can choose to reflect on the friendships we are so thankful to have and ensure that we express our thankfulness to our friends. 

In friendships, there should be some reassurance that we appreciate our friends’ presence in our lives. To be more thoughtful though, we should study our friends and figure out what way of reassuring them will pierce their hearts the most. Is it getting them a Starbucks giftcard? Is it sending them a thank you card? Is it taking them out to brunch? In our way of reassuring them, let’s deeply think about what would make them smile. 

In the busyness of life, it’s easy to fall into not nurturing our friendships, not expressing our gratefulness for them and not considering how valuable having good friends are. This Thanksgiving season, let us be sure to send an extra “thank you” and reassure our friends that they bring much value to our lives.

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Nia Robinson

Howard '23

I am Nia Robinson — a senior Strategic Communications student at Howard University. My love for writing and my love for inspiring others merge together through the inspirational articles that I write for Her Campus Magazine. I seek for readers to feel encouraged and empowered after reading the articles that I write.