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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Howard chapter.

With Spring Break coming up sooner rather than later, flights are already booked and Spring Break outfits are already on their way. Whether you’re jet-setting to Miami or Jamaica, wherever you go, having a fun and relaxing time with some of the closest people to you is the goal. But while having fun is what you came for, it’s important to be safe so that you and your girls go back home together in one piece. Here are some key tips to remember while you’re away!


Source: The Blog Abroad


Never Leave a Friend Behind


If you go somewhere with a group of your friends, nobody leaves until everyone is accounted for. It may seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t follow this golden rule. Spring Break is the time where predatory individuals are out and about trying to find someone vulnerable to target, usually young women who are too intoxicated to know exactly what’s going on. If you travel in a large group, maybe try assigning each person a number and then counting off when everyone is ready to go so that nobody is missing. Therefore, keep an eye on your girls and make sure you all communicate if you choose to split up for any reason.


Never Go Out By Yourself


Speaking of splitting up, never wander off without telling anyone where you’re headed. The buddy system isn’t just for kids, it’s very much needed among this day and age where young women disappear daily and different forms of trafficking happening nationwide. Black women and other women of color especially are twice as susceptible to human trafficking and other horrible happenstances of the sort. So, be aware of your surroundings and always travel in groups of 2-3.


Do Your Research


Before you book your flight, you should find what certain attractions are in the area where you’ll be spending the week. Spring Break is only as fun as you make it, so if you’re just stuck in your hotel twiddling your thumbs instead of doing the work and looking into local attractions you have no one but yourself to blame sis! Look for nearby restaurants, bars, clubs, museums etc. Whatever you and your friends are in to, find out times and locations and how you’ll get there to maximize the time and money that you already spent!


Know Your Budget


Planning group trips is one way to test a friendship and its longevity. Thinking unilaterally as one sound mind and body is a difficult task, but it gets even more difficult when you throw money into the mix. Make sure that everyone knows their capabilities and what they’re willing to spend money on or not. Because it could get uncomfortable real quick over disputes for places to eat or bars or whatever it may be. So, make sure to address how funds will work before the trip starts and who is in charge of what and so on and so forth!


I hope this guide was helpful for you and your upcoming trips. Don’t forget to have fun and stay safe this upcoming Spring Break 2k19!

Arielle Williams is a Sophomore Journalism Major from Baltimore, MD byway of Trinidad and Tobago at the illustrious Howard University.