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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at HPU chapter.

Getting experience under your belt in your field before you graduate is a big deal. It will make you stand out when applying for jobs. Sometimes, the best internships are in the most unexpected places. Since we are in a pandemic, it can be frustrating to come across desirable internships. Many companies have figured out a way to do remote or hybrid internships. You may not get the full in-person experience that you want, but you’ll still get an experience.

#1: Social Media

I know you’re on social media scrolling through people’s Instagram feeds or watching endless TikToks in between Zoom classes. Use social media to your advantage. There are a ton of social media creators across platforms that want to help students locate internships or to help build a resume for a future job. Social media is a double-edged sword, but if used correctly, it can be a great resource for networking with professionals and exploring potential jobs and internships that may pique your interest. Recently, I was scrolling on TikTok and found a woman named Christen that gives career tips and posts about upcoming internships. She’s worked for Tik Tok, Pinterest, and Instagram. Check out her page for internships at Disney, Tik Tok, HBO, and more! You never know what you can find on social media.

#2: Talk to People You Know

College is all about connections, and you have likely talked to someone that has a connection to a company that you would like to intern for. You can also ask your professors. The professors at HPU are always there to help, and since many of them have their graduate degrees, they likely know someone you could intern for. For example, I interned for the Mayor of Atlanta twice, thanks to the help of my mom. She had previously taught some of the mayor’s children before she became mayor. Through her connection, I was informed about this opportunity to work with an International Affairs office in City Hall. There is never any harm in asking around.

#3: LinkedIn

This one may be obvious to some, but there is a little trick that I want to share with you. If there is an industry or company that you want to work in, checking out the HPU alumni page is important. Go to the HPU LinkedIn page, click alumni, then type in the search bar keywords for a specific company you’re interested in. For example, when I type in medical, it shows that 3,808 alumni are working in that field, and the website shows where they work and live. I’ve contacted a few alumni myself, and it’s great to talk to them about their experience at HPU and see if they have advice about internships. Even if you don’t learn about an internship opportunity from them, it is still great to be in contact with them.

This pandemic has created struggles for internship seekers and employers. With more companies and institutions figuring out how to tailor their workplace to the new norm, it can be a tricky landscape to navigate. Fortunately, we live in a time where social media and the internet can connect us to opportunities that older generations did not have. Use your resources to your advantage, and don’t let this pandemic get you down.