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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at HPU chapter.

I don’t know about you, but the week before my period, I’m a completely different person. I get moody, hangry, and a few pimples on the way. As I got older, I noticed that my PMS has gotten significantly worst, especially since I started having a busy schedule and needed to get my tasks done. Because of that, I decided to go ahead and create a “PMS survival kit.” Hopefully, this can help you work through your PMS symptoms and go on with your bad self!

1. Combat tiredness

I noticed I get really tired during my PMS week; I usually can drink one cup of coffee in the morning and it will last me the whole day. During my PMS week, I rely on coffee to get me past that 2 PM slump, but drinking the afternoon cup would cause me to stay up until 1 or 2 AM. To avoid this, I drink decaffeinated coffee that can help me get through the last few hours of my day, but the coffee isn’t strong enough to keep me up all night. If you need something extra, I would suggest some sparkling water. The carbonation can help give that placebo effect where you think you’re drinking soda, but it’s way healthier for you!

2. Moody patootie

I significantly get moodier when I start PMS-ing—I cry and get angry in a span of 30 minutes. If you’re anything like me and interact with people throughout the day, at least ONE of those interactions may just trigger your moodiness. To fight this, I take a step back or excuse myself from the area and take deep breaths. I had many times where my moodiness showed through my polite act and it wasn’t pretty. Taking a step back and just really brushing off what’s bothering you is better than lashing out or saying a comment back that can make a situation awkward.

3. Feed those cravings

In my apartment, I try my best to keep junk food out of my cabinet and fridge. This way, I don’t get tempted, – especially now that I’m working out and eating healthy. For PMS week, all hell breaks loose and I just let myself have my cravings. Since I’m pretty restrictive through the rest of the month, can those double chocolate chip brownies and caramel ice cream really be that bad?



Acne is so unavoidable during my PMS week. I have an average of three pimples that either are deep in the skin and are the size of Mount Everest, or clogged pores by my hairline, jaw, and eyebrows. I recommend using any type of pimple cream and putting on face masks. Not only does this remove stress, but it can really help the problems go away ASAP! If I just let acne go away without giving my skin some help, it can last, at least for me, another week.



I hope these tips help you push through your PMS week. Although each person’s PMS week is different, these are tips that I found helped a lot with just going through my daily life.

I know that everyone has different experiences with PMS, but these tips have really helped me to be sane and just go through my week feeling 90% (not 100% because let’s be real, PMS is a headache!).

Mariah is 21-years-old senior at Hawaii Pacific University, majoring in Mass Communication concentrating in Advertising and Public Relations and minoring Marketing. On her free time, she likes to join extra-curricular activities at HPU, go to the beach, and hang out with her friends and family.
Katrina Hicks

Northwestern '19
