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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at HPU chapter.

A new month has begun; it’s finally April! Earth day is upon us. It’s time to demonstrate our support for environmental protection. Tracking back to when it was first held in the 1970s, our world has continued to grow. This worldwide event is a day for us to promote clean living as well as a healthy habitat for both humankind and wildlife. Let us not forget how fragile our planet is and how it’s important to protect it. 

        Celebrate Earth Day by keeping it green. Simple changes can even help save you money! For example, simply turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth or waiting to wash dishes can help save a lot of water. Of course, it’s ok to leave it for 20 seconds while washing with soap. Any household appliances like your tosser or coffee maker can be turned off when it’s not in use. By doing this, you are saving energy. Turn off any lights whenever you leave a room. But first, make sure no one else is there. 

        While living in Hawai’i, we are a small island. Many of the single-use items eventually end up in the ocean. Switch them out for products that are reusable or made of recycled materials. Transform that paper towel into a cloth towel. Stop drinking out of a plastic water bottle and get a stainless steel water bottle that’s reusable. Go paperless and unsubscribe from junk mail. Let’s be real, it’s nice to see savings from your favorite stores, but it’s time to see that sale through your email. 

        Treat your household plants by collecting rainwater. Don’t have any plants? This is your sign to get some or even plant them. Not only do they look cool, they can help regulate the temperature by the moisture they release into the air. You will notice more cool feelings being present. Whenever you are cooking and have leftover food, turn that into compost. See if you can plant a tree. Get involved with an environmental organization. The experience will be rewarding. By getting fresh air, you help refresh the mind. When you take a break from the working world, you will notice other things going on around you. New ideas come to mind. Even getting fresh air helps with both your mental and physical well-being.

        Now here’s a challenge I have for you, the ” Zero Waste” challenge. Only those capable of doing it will survive. Consider a whole month of minimizing your waste. Remember that paper you threw out? Save that in a jar and see how much waste you cumulative over a month. It will definitely make you rethink your whole lifestyle and the amount of garbage you create. Whenever you want to throw something away, put that trash into a jar and the food waste into compost. Make sure to hashtag #ZeroWasteChallengeAccepted on Instagram if you accept the challenge. May the Earth be in your favor. 

Remember, April 22nd is approaching. 


ChiTown born and raised Semper Fidelis Ra’ina but Unzurna and listen (Quran 2:104)
Hey Everyone! I'm a Military brat which is the reason I love to travel and write as I wrote a blog all about our travels in Japan! I chose HPU because I fell in love with the diversity of ideas and mindset! I'm studying Mass Communication and Criminal Justice with the aspirations of becoming a public affairs specialist someday!