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Got a Mad Case of the Midnight Munchies?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Humboldt chapter.

It’s 11:30 at night and you’ve been working on your term paper since eight o’clock. Your mind is officially fried and you can hear your stomach rumbling over the dull roar of “Pumped Up Kicks” — which your roommate is playing for the fifth time tonight. Clearly, it’s snack time. But how can you enjoy a delicious treat in the middle of night without feeling guilty the next morning?

Try these fun, creative snacks; they’re healthy, tasty and will definitely satisfy that midnight craving!

Juice Ice Pops

You’ll want to make these simple treats ahead of time. Just pour your favorite 100% juice drink into an ice tray, put a popsicle stick in the middle of each and let them freeze over night. They’re great for a spur-of-the-moment craving and contain all the nutrition and antioxidants present in the fruits and vegetables used. Have fun with it and add chunks of fruit like strawberries or raspberries to your juice pops!

Jello “Shots”
This sweet treat, even without that special ingredient, is a great snack takes a little bit of prep work. All JELL-O flavors are non-fat, and even though JELL-O doesn’t offer much in the way of essential vitamins and minerals, it’s a great go-to treat when you have a sweet tooth.

Fruit Salad… Yummy, yummy
How can you go wrong with a colorful assortment of fruit? Try adding a dollop of honey or a spoonful of your favorite yogurt over your fruit salad for an extra bit of sweetness.

Salsa is a great ingredient for many snacks; it’s full of fruits, vegetables, and deliciousness! The only downfall of eating store bought salsa is that they are usually high in sodium. Try making  your own salsa at home — there is nothing unhealthy about it! Try this yummy recipe from Simply Recipes.


Air-popped popcorn is a great snack when your midnight cravings demand something a little salty. Not only is popcorn a good source of complex carbs, it’s also low in calories. Thanks to it being low in fat, you won’t wake up feeling bloated or with a tummy ache. Try sprinkling some Parmesan cheese or cinnamon for amusing, creative flavors to wake up those taste buds!

Granola with Greek Yogurt
For a treat with both fiber and protein, this is a perfect combo. Feel free to stir in some berries or fruit!

Turkey and Cream Cheese Wraps
Lean protein is a building block for your muscles and will keep you full longer — without widening your waistline. Lean meats are lower in calories than some carbohydrate and fat-rich foods. So if you’re craving something before you curl up in the sack, wrap a slice of deli turkey and a bit of your favorite low-fat cheese in a low-carb tortilla. For an extra burst of flavor, try adding your favorite fruit spread — like cranberry!

Crunchy Organic Peanut Butter with Candy Corn
Craving a candy bar? This HC girl goes for candy corn! Mix a few pieces of the seasonal treat with a small spoonful of organic crunchy peanut butter or with regular unsalted peanuts for a treat that tastes just like Reese’s Pieces! Just two pieces of candy corn have 15 calories so keep an eye on not indulging in too many. If you can’t find candy corn, try something else sweet and nutty, like dark chocolate covered almonds.

Lemon Water
Thirty-seven percent of people mistake thirst for hunger because the thirst mechanism is so weak, according to PureandHealthy.com. Aglass of water may not sound like an ideal midnight munchy, but one of the best choices you can make when you’re feeling hungry is to have a glass of water. Water fills your stomach so you won’t feel as hungry — this is a great tool to avoid overeating. Drink 16 ounces before each meal and you’ll have a better chance at dropping that Freshman Fifteen. Try adding some lemon for a little bit of flavor!

What’s the most important thing to remember when snacking? Portion size is key; if your snack comes in bag, have no more than a handful. Don’t overindulge your plate or bowl; eating small meals and snacks throughout the day is actually healthier for you. Many don’t believe the articles in health magazines which say ‘Eat more, lose more weight,’ but it’s partially true! If you eat more small, healthy meals like fruits, veggies, protein and some dairy throughout the day, you’ll boost your metabolism. Lots of little meals also mean less cravings.

So get out there and have fun finding new, creative healthy snacks!

Zoe is a 19-year-old sophomore at Humboldt State University. She is majoring in journalism with minors in graphic design and dance. She is currently the Assistant General Manager and Head of PR for the student-run radio station, KRFH, and the Head Layout Editor for HSU's student newspaper, The Lumberjack. She has also worked as a writer, photographer, and designer for the campus magazine, Osprey. Zoe is ecstatic to be starting HSU's Her Campus branch. With hopes to one day work at a major women's magazine, Her Campus is a step in the right direction. Aside from being an aspiring journalist, Zoe enjoys performing (she's danced for five years, played the cello for 10, and done musical theatre for 12!), bike riding, and painting.