Name: Shreeya Desai
Year: 2021
Anticipated Major: Biology
Anticipated Combined Major: Anthropology/Sociology
Hometown: Cape Coral, FL
Activities: RockSat-C, French and Francophone Club, Colleges Against Cancer Club, Pre-Health Professions Club
Describe Yourself in 3 Words: Independent, Entertaining, Determined
Place on Campus: The individual practice rooms in the Gearan Center
Place in Geneva: Bagels & Cakes
Movie/TV show: Bob’s Burgers
Food: Thai Red Curry
Class: Vertebrate Biology
MQ: What quote do you live by and why?
SD: ”Do what you love and everything else will fall into place.” I used to try to do things that seemed smart or logical for my career path and I wasn’t excited to start each day. Now, my interests fuel my daily decisions and I have been fortunate in getting involved with activities and people that I enjoy and love.
MQ: Where do you see yourself in 10-20 years?
SD: Hopefully, I will have graduated from HWS and dental school. Also, I see myself working side-by-side with my dad at his practice, then eventually inheriting it and specializing in orthodontia.
MQ: If you could spend the day with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?
SD: This is a hard question and I can’t choose! Either Leonardo da Vinci or Nostradamus. I love learning new things from knowledgeable individuals and, plus, knowing my future would be pretty cool.
MQ: If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live?
SD: I would definitely live somewhere in Europe because there’s so much history everywhere you go. Most likely Switzerland because it’s nice and cold.
MQ: What is something most people on campus don’t know about you?
SD: A lot of people think that I’m Spanish, but I am actually part Indian and part Jamaican.
MQ: Do you have a story that you’d care to share with us all?
SD: When I was younger, my sister and I were playing badminton in the house. I remember my mom told us not to play indoors because one or both of us could get hurt, but, of course, we didn’t listen. Long story short, I ended up hitting my head on a sharp corner of the wall and I now have a scar above my left eye.
MQ: How do you feel about being nominated as a Campus Cutie?
SD: I feel really honored! Thank you for the nomination :)
MQ: What would you like to be remembered for?
SD: I would like to be remembered as someone who truly cares about others. Because of social media and how our society functions, I find that a lot of day-to-day interactions are superficial and don’t even touch on the complexity of that person. We are all very unique and I think it’s interesting to learn where we all come from and how we got to where we are now. It’s important to know these things about a person when trying to understand their perspective and help them with their problems.
Remember to say hi to Shreeya when you see her around campus!