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People Who Can Better Your Experience at HWS

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at HWS chapter.

If my mother taught me anything about life, it is to befriend the people no one notices. Doing so will improve your life and the lives of those around you. Below are some specific people you can befriend to really get the most out of your HWS experience.

1. Saga Workers

This includes everyone! Pretty much everyone knows Shirley, and that’s great! But have you ever taken the time to get to know any of the other workers? Speaking from personal experience as a particularly friendly person, I’ve been friendly to Saga workers from the very first day, and they’re super likely to give you larger portions, which, if you’re like me, is always appreciated. Speaking of people at the desk, though, I’ve definitely gotten a couple of free passes when I forget my OneCard or am running out to grab something from the Post Office.


2. Café & Pub Workers

This is almost the same as Saga workers, but there’s an extra little kick! Sometimes, if you’re just a little bit short on Snack Money, Community Cash, or Meal Swipes, they’ll cut you some slack! If you’re super charming and friendly, you might even get a little extra scoop of toppings at Salsa Rico!


3. Au Bon Pain Workers

If you don’t know the ABP workers, you are 100% not getting the most out of ABP. If you like to stay up late in the library, you can get the leftover breadsticks and soup if you’ve formed a strong enough bond with the late shift. If the ABP workers see a familiar face, they’ll be more likely to A) take your order sooner or B) give you a little more extra coffee/milk/caramel in your drink!


4. Campus Safety Officers

While they may be a bit scary on the weekends, that doesn’t mean you should treat them like crap! They’re the ones that come help you if you ever get locked out of your dorm room or residence hall, so if they recognize you as the student that yelled at them over the weekend they might not be as willing to help.They’re not actually here to get you in trouble, but to make sure everyone is having a safe, fun time. Don’t get mad at them for doing their job! You should appreciate them and know their job is not easy.


5. Shuttle Drivers

Last but certainly not least, the shuttle drivers are the subtle backbone of the student body. They’re responsible for all the late night trips to Tops and Wegmans, to 380 South Main and the arts campus, and up William Smith Hill. Even if you think you don’t need them you never, ever, know what could happen. I’ve been taken to McDonald’s and bubble tea, been allowed to sit in the passenger seat with them, and I joke around with them whenever I can! The amount of times I’ve seen people being rude to the shuttle drivers breaks my heart and they can—and will—kick you off the shuttle. They’re doing you a favor! The very fact that you’re on the shuttle means you need their help, but people yell at them, say vile things to them and even start chants about how the driver sucks. That’s pathetic, and it’s not doing anyone any favors. They’re all so friendly, bubbly, and nice, you would make their day by saying hi to them!

Is this a complete list of everyone you should be talking to? No, of course not! Just say hi to everyone and treat them with respect, and you’d be surprised to see just how far kindness can take you.