Climate change is very real. The sad truth is that many Americans are only capable of analyzing what’s right in front of them. For instance, few will question the sunny skies accompanied by temperature in the high fifties as we near the end of January. If there is a chance to unbundle, people throw their concerns of our environment out the window. Aside from the many revelations the country has made through scientific studies, there is evidence right in front of us. Come on collegiettes, don’t lie to yourself, you definitely did a double take on that man wearing khaki shorts just last month. While it may be very difficult to mitigate or even halt the effects of global warming, citizens are capable of making global warming a more gradual process. Here are some unconventional ways of saving our planet and helping our environment that might actually save you a couple of bucks too!
1. Compromise showers
Who doesn’t love a hot shower? I know I do. Unfortunately, hot showers consume a lot of energy. Don’t fret, you don’t have to give up your hot showers completely. In fact, I suggest increasing the heat a little more than normal in the first couple of minutes. So much so that you crave feeling refreshed and use colder water towards the end of your experience. Definitely keep a timer though so that the experiment doesn’t backfire.
2. Buy one durable razor as opposed to a disposable one
Disposable razors only last a couple of days. Before you know it you will be back at your local pharmacy spending another few dollars that you could be using for something worthwhile. Some may argue that they are buying these razors in bulk, and therefore would not be saving that much money. Yet, cheap plastic razors do not do the job as well.
3. Put the tray down
Through personal observations, I have found that not picking up a tray at the dining hall has significantly decreased the amount of food waste I produce. When I have more carrying space, I feel compelled to stack more food than I actually plan on eating. Typically, no one else wants the extra leftover meals either, and the food ends up disposed of without being touched. When I don’t use a tray, I find that what I am able to carry to the table myself is more than enough. Even if it’s not, it is not too much of a hassle to walk up and get more.
4. Get reusable bottles
Instead of constantly buying refrigerated plastic water bottles from vendors in order to cool down, use a reusable metal bottle. More often than not, these are designed specifically to keep your water colder for longer periods of time. Furthermore, they are sold in bigger sizes which makes them worthwhile since they store more water.
5. Speak up and make a plan
Informing peers about the effects of global warming can help increase magnitude to which it is mitigated. Team efforts allow there to be a structured plan that can be co-supervised by each member taking part in the change. This assures that people can rely on others when they encounter environmental obstacles that they do not know how to overcome. It also keeps new ideas circulating constantly throughout a community which ultimately benefits its social capital.
While it may be nearly impossible to undo the harm we have already done to our world, we can make the effects of global warming more gradual. For each bit of harm you do to the environment, I suggest trying to counteract the action by doing something positive. In doing so, an individual can have close to no impact. Collectively achieving this will allow humans to live comfortably while helping the environment.