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Filmarks – A Fabulous App I Want To Recommend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ICU (Japan) chapter.

Filmarks is a website and an app where you can rate films and tv shows and write your reaction to them. You can also see the average rating scores and other people’s comments on them. It is available both in English and Japanese. 

There must be a lot of times when you are asked what the best movie you have seen in your life is or what is your favourite tv show. I have been in this kind of situation before. Because there are many movies and dramas that I love, it takes a long time to squeeze “the no.1” movie or a drama out of my mind. 

One day I came across one post on Instagram that recommended useful apps, and there I found Filmarks and downloaded Filmarks. I totally loved it. 

All you have to do is make an account, which only takes a few minutes, and you can easily start reviewing. 

The main things that you can do in Filmarks are searching for movies or tv shows that you want to watch, looking for the timetable or schedule of your nearest movie theatre, and clipping and listing up movies and tv drama series that you want to watch. In addition to these features, you can also give each content you’ve watched a score of 0 to 5 and write comments about them. What I like the most about this app because it tells you what video streaming services you can watch each content on and whether it is free or costs some money. 

Also, there is a function that you can see the lists of contents that you have watched in the order of the released years, the scores you have given to them, the date you wrote the review or the date you watched the content.

I hope this article has helped you find a useful app, and you will download it if you have not yet. This way it would be much easier for you to remember your favourite movie!

Chihiro Nakajima

ICU (Japan) '25

Hi! I'm Chihiro and I'm currently studying at International Christian University. I'm passionate about movies, songs, and taking photos!