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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ICU (Japan) chapter.

1. 花つみ(hanatsumi)

Do you know the existence of chance flowers? They are flowers that did not satisfy the criteria to be sold in flower shops. HANATSUMI is one project that has started amongst the flower sellers. People can purchase the chance flowers for 100 yen. Still, few flower shops have joined this project. I want to buy flowers from HANATSUMI because the flowers sold there are beautiful and I also want to support this project. HANATSUMI is held in flower shops in the center area of Tokyo. If you are interested, please visit them!

2. Hotsprings

Winter is the best season to enjoy hot springs. I recommend the ones in Nikko(Tochigi prefecture) and Kusatsu(Gunma prefecture). Visiting the ryokan and enjoying the Japanese dishes after taking a bath would be nice too. 

3. Eating Japanese hot pots at a restaurant

I like to make Japanese hot pots by myself but have never been to such restaurants. I would very much like to experience it before winter ends.

4. OUTDOOR light displays

There are many places to enjoy light displays in Tokyo even the holiday months are over!


I did not visit cafes often last year because things were simply too busy. I now have a long list of cafes to visit, and maybe I could also write down the reviews after visiting them in another article!

Yukina Shima

ICU (Japan) '24

I am a student of ICU. Huge love to coffee and tea, Disney land, travel, home party, e.t.c.