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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

We can all use some pick-me-ups during the day. With finals upon us, it’s becoming more and more crucial to prioritize ourselves and to take charge of our days by adding things that make us happy. Here are my five self-care ideas that you can implement to boost your day and keep you on track to get through your week.

1. Get your work done early in the day

If you are anything like me, nighttime is when I tend to start my assignments and study. This is not ideal, but procrastinating throughout the day usually leads me here. I have found that one of the most valuable self-care ideas that I have begun doing is getting my work done during the day, to prioritizing my nights for myself to wind down after a hard day. It allows you to have a free night where you can get to sleep early, and give your mind a greater window to relax before bed, giving you a restful sleep and a better mindset to enter the next day with.

2. Treat yourself to the coffee

There’s this whole “it all adds up” culture nowadays surrounding budgeting and the idea that if you keep buying Starbucks you won’t be able to afford a house later on. Though they are probably onto something, and you shouldn’t get $7 Starbucks drinks every day, treating yourself to a coffee once or twice a week is totally self-care in my book and is worth it. Even if it’s your favorite muffin from a bakery, giving yourself that little pick-me-up is way more important right now than worrying about how much it adds up to in a year in my opinion! 

3. Pamper routine

I have started taking two days out of the week to do a full pamper routine at night. Not only does it make me feel relaxed before bed, but it makes me feel girly, and gives me a little confidence boost mid-week. This usually includes having hot tea, taking a long shower and doing a hair mask, this one from Olaplex is my fav, and a face mask as well. Here is one from The Ordinary that I love for textured skin (but be careful to only use it once a week max) or this one from Glossier for a moisture boost.

4. Prioritize time with friends during your day

My roommates and I have made it a tradition to spend at least one night of the week having a good ol’ movie night. We all agree on a genre and then find one we like, curl up on the couch with snacks and have a cozy night together. I have found that implementing this into my week gives you three hours out of your week where you can be carefree, look forward to it, and be surrounded by people that recharge your energy. 

5. Take a nap

First things first, naps don’t make you lazy. Call me crazy but if you are someone that is able to take naps, taking even 30 minutes to just lay down even if you don’t sleep gives you time to recharge and calm your mind. Now, this isn’t for everyone, and if it will throw you off your routine or motivation I wouldn’t recommend it, but I have found this gives my mind a break and gives me time to myself before I conquer the next task in my day.

These five tips are a random assortment of things that I have found to boost my day and give me something to look forward to in order to keep me going during my week.

I hope you give these a try or at least consider what brings you joy, and what things you can implement to improve your day during a stressful few weeks during the semester.

Lauren Smith

Illinois State '24

☆ Sophomore Nursing major at Illinois State University and Harry Styles enthusiast ☆ Follow me on social media : Instagram – @laurenvalerie02