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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

With graduation approaching, I can’t help but reflect on the four years that have passed so quickly. Throughout my academic journey, I have learned a great deal via my coursework, employment, and self-discovery. With that considered, I wish I could travel back in time and warn my younger self about the challenges she will face as well as the opportunities she has ahead of her. But, because time travel isn’t possible, I figured a letter would be the next best thing.

Dear Vanesa,

I understand how apprehensive you are about this new chapter in your life, but you will discover that you are far more capable than you believe. I know you are stressed about classes, making friends, and what your future holds, but trust me you are going to be able to balance it all seamlessly. You are going to pass your math class freshman year, I know that is weighing on you, and in every class, after that, you will not only pass but do well.

During your sophomore year, there will be a pandemic, which sounds unbelievable but, you are going to have to pack up all your stuff from the dorms and move out early, consequently, your whole junior year will be online. While things are never the same after this, you make the most out of your junior year and make up for lost time senior year. Even though senior year is going to be the most fun you had yet in college, you are going to deal with the loss of your mom, but to no avail, you remain strong and resilient. 

You are going to meet amazing people every school year that will leave a lasting impact on you, just keep being yourself because that is what is going to attract the right people in your life. You will not stay in touch with some of the people you are friends with this year, but trust me the ones that do stick around are ones you want to keep. During senior year, you are going to meet so many amazing people that you make unforgettable memories with, which you are going to wish you met sooner. 

Just so you know, you are not going to stay in a sorority because, as much as you hoped the money won’t be an issue, it is, and you will only be in it for a semester, but the relief you have afterward is tremendous and will your financial burden wont be as heavy. You will be at the same job all four years, but you will have worked your way up to a level you wouldn’t even think is possible, and all those hours you put in will be worth it. 

You are going to become the most confident version of yourself yet, fully embracing who you are. You start dressing the way you have always wanted, you listen to the music you like, and start throwing the parties you always dreamed about. You truly become authentically yourself, so regardless of how unsure you are of yourself at this moment, it is only temporary. However, even as a senior you still don’t know exactly what you want to do with your life, but that is ok because we have learned to embrace the unknown. You are going to kill it in college, so stop stressing and just enjoy this time for what it is, because you are going to miss it.



Hi, I'm Vanesa! I am currently a Communication major at Illinois State University. I'm so thrilled to be a part of the HerCampus team because writing has always been a huge passion for me and now I have an opportunity to showcase that and grow as a writer. Besides writing, I love horror movies, dramatic tv shows, and iced coffee. I hope you enjoy my articles as much as I enjoy writing them so stay tuned for more! xoxo, V