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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

Meet Abe Lopez, a graduating senior with a major in Communication Studies emphasizing in Organizational and Leadership communication. Abe has that ability to put on smile on anyone’s face within seconds of meeting him. Being a leader seems to come natural to him as he is involved in activities such as Students Today Leaders Forever and ISU Leads Program to name a few. Read our interview with Abe to find out what his involvement on campus and what it truly means to him.

HC: What is your involvement on Campus?
Lopez: I am involved with Students Today Leaders Forever (STLF), Encounter Campus Ministry, was President of the University Program Board, member of the Vice President for Student Affairs Student Advisory Council, ISU Leads Program, Passages Orientation, Preview Summer Orientation, and others in the last 4 years.

HC: As a leader, what things do you want to see changed as far being on campus or in your future?
Lopez: I would love to see an increase in student involvement on campus because it allows so much personal and professional growth.

HC: To those who may not know, can you explain what STLF and the Pay it forward tour are?
Lopez: STLF is a nonprofit organization and the mission is to reveal leadership through service, relationships and action. STLF believes that everyone has leadership potential and it needs to be revealed to them. The Pay it Forward tour is a community service road trip where students are able to travel across the country and serve in different cities over a period of a week − 7 cities, 9 days, 1 mission to impact our nation. Students are able to serve different communities, as well as make deep connections with their peers, resulting in long lasting friendships.

HC: Why are you such a huge advocate for people to go on this tour?
Lopez: I’ve learned an incredible amount about leadership and who I am through the Pay it Forward Tour. Over the last 8 years of involvement in STLF in high school and college, I’ve been able to practice leadership through leading Pay it Forward tours, leadership camps, and different conferences for STLF. Also, the amount of true, genuine relationships I’ve made through this organization is something that I cannot even explain, but it has really helped me in every part of my life. It is a blessing to have been a part of this organization and make the incredible friends that I have.

HC: There is a video about you called “Stuff that Abe Lopez says” on YouTube. Can you tell us about that?
Lopez: If you get to know and hang out with me, I often have sayings that always come out of my mouth. My friends made a video compiling some of my most frequent sayings. I didn’t know they were making it, but it was really awesome of them because it was spot on. I didn’t know it’d be watched as much as it was the first week, over 1,000 views in the first week!

HC: What are your plans after college?

Lopez: I will be an Executive Team Leader for Target. I’m excited to start my career and learn more about who I am and learn new leadership skills!

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Megan Maginity

Illinois State

Megan is a sophomore Journalism major at Illinois State University, with a minor in Creative Writing. She balances her time between class, her sorority- Gamma Phi Beta, and writing for the college newspaper- The Daily Vidette. When she’s not busy, Meg likes to shop for the best sales, rollerblade, hang out with friends or watch reruns of Sex and The City. Becoming a campus correspondent/editor-in-chief was a great accomplishment for her because she is an aspiring writer, hoping to take on the world of mass media after graduation in 2013.