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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

Fall is creeping around the corner as we progress into the -ber months. The warm and cozy season is filled with delicious dishes that bring comfort to the belly, and I’ve listed a few of my personal favorites to inspire your autumn meal plan.

My number one food that reminds me of the “chillier” months is, of course, chili. There are endless variations of the dish when you get creative with add-ins, toppings, and side dishes. My personal favorite is made with ground beef, chili and kidney beans, plenty of veggies, and is topped with lots of sour cream, cheddar cheese, and oyster crackers. Of course, you could change or remove the meat, and bean types, or add different veggies to yours. Cornbread or a baked potato both make excellent companions to the hearty soup. It’s so quick and easy to make and keeps me full for hours- what’s not to love?

One dish that I recently began making was honey mustard chicken. You bake it in the oven, which means you can keep your home warm without the added cost of running heat. I love to make the honey mustard dressing from scratch because it’s so simple, but you can even buy the pre-made kind from the store. For sides, I choose to pair it with roasted red potatoes and fresh green beans to make for a colorful variety.

Finally, what’s an autumn day without a Crockpot meal? My Crockpot is my best friend in the kitchen, with so many recipes I can throw together with minimal effort and cleanup. Some of my go-to Crockpot fall meals are pot roasts, which can be made with beef or pork roasts, and veggies like potatoes, onions, carrots, and celery. They end up so succulent and flavorful- each bite reminds me of home. Another go-to meal as I hold onto the last bit of summer are Crockpot chicken tacos, which only requires chicken breasts, a packet of taco seasoning, and a jar of salsa to make for the most juicy and tasty chicken taco meat to use for tacos, nachos- you name it.

Autumn is the season of the kitchen, and with so much produce in season, there is nothing better to do than spend a chilly day inside with the warmth of a home-cooked meal.

Paige Stolp

Illinois State '25

Hi, I'm Paige! I am a senior Middle Level Teacher Education major here at Illinois State with endorsements in science and English Language Arts. I enjoy being my own barista, cooking, watching sunrises and sunsets, and all things Taylor Swift!