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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

For about half of my time in college, I have been single. I went into my freshman year of college with a boyfriend, however, that didn’t last forever, and I ended my freshman year single. Moving into my sophomore year of college, I was also single. I was then in a relationship my entire junior year of college. Now, I am a senior, and I am single once again.

So far, I have learned one extremely important thing: Being single throughout college is NOT a bad thing. Although being in a healthy relationship is a wonderful experience, there are also multiple advantages to being single, especially while in college. So, here are a few reasons why I love being single in college:

You Can Enjoy Flexibility

Have your friends ever made plans but you couldn’t go because you already promised your boyfriend/girlfriend you would hang out with them? Well, when you’re single, you can have flexibility in your free time. Don’t get me wrong, sharing your time with someone special is amazing, but being single definitely allows you to say YES to more options and opportunities!

It can Relieve Extra Stress in Your Life

Even the healthiest of relationships involve stressful situations, arguments or disagreements. Again, difficulties in a relationship does not make that relationship bad, or not worth it, but college is definitely a time when extra stress is not needed. Since being single, I can 100% say I have a better time staying focused on my school and social life without the additional stress a relationship could bring.


When I was in a relationship during college, I struggled to balance my schoolwork, my social life and my relationship. I have had plenty of friends tell me the same thing. The truth is that when you’re in college, you’re busy! Not only do you want to do well in your courses, but you also want to stay involved in any groups, sports, friendships AND your relationship. Of course, in life, you’re constantly going to have to juggle the above but being single has allowed me to find a better balance between school/work and my social life.

You Learn How to be Happy Alone

College is a great time to truly find yourself. Throughout my (almost) four years in college, I have grown so much. I am, without a doubt, not the same person I was when I first walked onto campus my freshman year. Being single in college, this past semester especially, has allowed me to grow individually and independently and also helped me learn how to be happy alone. Before, I used to get sad seeing couples post on Instagram, holding hands and walking to class together or going on dates (as I’m sure we all have at some point). Now, I no longer feel those same emotions. I’m happy to be single and independent, and that’s the most rewarding feeling ever. Remember:

“The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relatoinship with yourself.”

– Steve Maraboli

Next time you’re going through a breakup, or scrolling through TikTok videos of happy couples, remember: being in a relationship is NOT everything. Being single and independent has its many advantages and empowers you to find yourself. You’ll find your person when the time is right for you, and until then, enjoy being single, I know I have!

Elise Fricilone

Illinois State '23

Hi everyone! My name is Elise, and I am a senior at Illinois State! I am majoring in Public Relations with a minor in Sociology. I have a huge passion for not only writing, but also reading! You can find me with my nose under a book almost everyday. I also have a huge love for all things fashion, cosmetics, health and lifestyle – so you can find those topics in my articles! Feel free to follow my instagram: elisefricilone