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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

My Queens, no matter the shapes and colors of women, we need to support each other more, compliment each other more, and genuinely be kind to each other more. Bullying is very common between women and it is because we are constantly reminded to compete, envy, and hate each other through social media. Social media shows these images of beauty, of a perfect woman that was created by society. But what society does not understand is that all women are built differently! We are all curvy, flat, heavy, skinny, dark, light, have pimples, freckles, scars, birthmarks, and we are ALL still beautiful. I bring this back to sisterhood, sisterhood is the idea of woman working together and showing kindness towards another woman no matter what. Here are some things to consider to help this tension towards girls ease up more!

  • –  With beauty for instance, if you see a girl wearing something cute, or just looking royal, let her know that! Don’t be afraid to compliment each other ladies! We all LOVE compliments and being reminded of the things that make us beautiful. So spread the love Queens! If she says something intellegient let her know, praise that! Little things we do cause big impacts.

  • –  It doesn’t have to only stay with beauty, just a simple gesture of kindness towards each other, if you see a fellow queen sad or crying, don’t be afraid to just let her know that it will be okay! Sit with her, who cares if shes a stranger, shes also another women and human being. Take some time to talk to each other you’re both women and you both feel emotions to at overwhelming moments in life.

  • –  Now let’s move back to high school, maybe middle school, where bullying starts fresh, over boys mostly… remember those countless fights you got into with girls being “whores” and “sluts” for flirting. Rumors mostly. But instead of blaming the girl first, why don’t you question the guy. Some girls are sketchy, but step back for a moment before attacking the girl and ask if it is really her fault, was she played just like you? You know what I mean, queens? Girls are so quick to attack other girls over guys and judge them, call them whores and sluts for having more than one sexual partner, but why? Guys do it all the time and are never shamed for it, so why should we be shaming our fellow queens and getting mad at each other? When we fight with eachothet it does not help anyhting but make womens relationships much more worse and strained. 

  • –  First day of school.. don’t judge a book by its cover, just be gentle and kind to each other, start small talk! Girls aren’t as evil as we have been trained to believe. We are always told that we will be judged and bullied but if we all changed our mindsets to just mostly respecting everyone then the hatred will decrease. 

  • –  At a party if a girl is sick, don’t tease, DON’T record, help her out queens, she needs you more than ever at that time. You’re both women! Team up!

Queens, let’s just be serious, it’s not hard to be kind to each other. We are all women and we all experience the same things, so why fight against each other. Help fix each others crowns ladies. 


xoxo Stay Royal My Queens

Chrissa Apostolopoulos

Illinois State '20

Chrissa Apostolopoulos is a Senior at Illinois State University "As a first-generation Greek Feminist, I write my articles as a respectful listener and advocated speaker for all persons. I open the platform for those silenced and as I continue my journey of opening up new perspectives, I advise my readers to be respectful audience members as well as knowledgeable persons." She/ Her Pronouns Follow Chrissa on Instagram: @chrissa_apostol
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