Once December 1st hits the Christmas music starts playing, the holiday lights are strung up, snow starts falling, and the last thing on anyone’s mind is school. Most students are reluctantly packing up their cars to head back for a week or two, and while finals week rears its ugly head it can seem impossible to get into the holiday spirit! Here are some small, festive ideas to keep you merry and bright while away at school.
1. Throw A Holiday Get Together
Invite some friends over to your dorm/apartment and have a small holiday party of your own! You can do a cheap gift exchange, white elephant, bake, or just blast some Christmas music and play games.
2. Decorate
While you may not have your 7ft tall Christmas tree from home, putting up some small decor to add a little holiday magic to your room can make getting through finals week just a little less horrible. Targets $5 section and Five Below have super cute (and affordable) decor items like holiday scented candles, small trees, Christmas lights, and so much more that are easy to set up in your room.
3. Explore Around Town
Your school’s town probably has fun holiday festivities or traditions that would be worth exploring! Grab your friends and go see a Christmas movie in your pj’s at the local theater, drive around to look for Christmas lights, or hit up some nearby stores to get some Christmas shopping done.
Everyone needs a little holiday spirit to help get them through the end of the semester, and just because you’re away at school doesn’t mean you can’t have some holiday fun!