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Her Campus Media
Life > Experiences

How to Survive the Beginning of a New Semester of College from a Junior

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

It’s that time of year again. Students are rushing back to school and completing the first round of assignments that are as hard as ever to get through considering the three-month break. I have returned to college post-summer vacation three times now, and to be honest, it never gets easier. It’s so difficult leaving loved ones to go back to a place that is associated with change and never-ending schoolwork. College has its perks, but as a person who does not do well with immense amounts of change all at once, I find myself wanting to leave it all behind and stay in the comfort of my own home. That being said, I’ve gotten used to coming back to school after a long break and I have some tips and tricks for you.

One of my favorite parts about coming back to school is revisiting the places I love in my college town. There’s something comforting about revisiting an old store or cafe that reminds me of the positive aspects of what college has to offer. Walking around and seeing the combination of new people and old friends as I pass by familiar buildings is a great way to get more familiar with the place I will be spending a great amount of time in for the next few months.

Taking time for myself and focusing on things that I love doing is another amazing thing to do when I’m homesick. Also, remembering that it’s ok to be homesick (even if you’re a junior) is crucial when taking time to do things for you. There are no set things that I do every time I feel like I need time to myself and I don’t think there are rules that you need to follow if that’s what you’re trying to accomplish. Live in the moment and make yourself as comfortable as you possibly can.

Going back to school can be simultaneously daunting and exciting. Surrounding yourself with positivity and comfortability is the key to success when coming back to most unfamiliar places. Enjoy college while you can, because the past three years have gone by too fast!

Jillian Groot

Illinois State '24

My name is Jillian Groot and I am a senior English education major with an Italian studies minor at Illinois State University.