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My Disney+ Watchlist: Rewatching Disney Classics/Movies from My Childhood

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

Recently, I have been watching movie classics on Disney+ in my spare time. I have been trying to rewatch ones I’ve claimed to “dislike,” watch the ones I love again and watch ones that are new to me. I have compiled a list of movies that fit into one of those three categories. If you’re looking to watch some movies this winter break on Disney+, look no further!

Inside Out

I rewatched this movie when I was sick, and it definitely made me feel more disheartened than I had hoped. I hated seeing miss eleven-year-old Riley feeling upset about her family’s big move. This was one that I feel like I do not need to watch for a while, but I am glad I watched this one since it is a cute coming-of-age story and I play ice hockey so I can relate to her character.

Wreck-It Ralph

I do not remember being fond of this movie, but I do believe I have watched it once. My boyfriend wants to watch this movie over break so we will see if my thoughts change but hopefully, it’s more entertaining than I remember! I want to watch Ralph Breaks the Internet too.


I love anything in this world revolving around animated sweet grandparents, and even though Carl is not Russell’s grandpa he seems to be stepping into that role, and I am HERE for it! UP was 100% a tear-jerker movie, but I would recommend watching it again if you have not in a while. Plus, who can forget about the best animal sidekicks: Kevin and Doug?



I have not seen this movie to my knowledge, but it popped up on my recommendations on Disney+ so I’m eager to check this one out over break. It’s a story about a loving bull who is on an adventure to return home to his family… sounds like my kind of movie!


I was convinced that I hated Ratatouille… but I may just hate rats and the idea of them crawling into walls. Either way, I love Paris, and I am always appreciative of a nice glass of red with spaghetti. This movie was extremely funny to re-watch, and I’m very glad my opinion changed since I rewatched this movie, because I’m sure it was at least a good ten years ago.

Finding Dory


I rewatched Finding Dory and it was such a cute story. I cried. I laughed. I drank my Oliver brand, sweet red blend and it was fantastic. I loved hearing Dory’s perspective after we went on a journey with Marvin and Nemo, and anything animated is right up my alley. Not to mention how adorable is little Dory?! The cutest!

The Little Mermaid

Ariel has been my favorite princess ever since I could remember. I especially love the soundtrack from this movie and even listen to the orchestra versions when I am working on schoolwork. I watched this one over the summer, but I was amazed at how much I could remember from years and years ago. I need to watch the live-action that will be released next year because I will always have a special place in my heart for Miss Ariel!


I love Pascal… is he not the funniest little chameleon ever?! I love a girl boss moment, and seeing Rapunzel smack Flynn with a frying pan always gets me laughing. This movie always makes me chuckle with all the humor. I want to rewatch it over break, but it’s not the first film on my watchlist.  

Lilo & Stitch

The last movie I have on my watchlist is Lilo & Stitch. My roommate Sophie recommended I add this one to my list when I mentioned to her that I would be writing this article. I don’t have many memories or feelings that come to mind about this movie, other than knowing a few famous lines, so hopefully, I’ll have more to report after watching this classic.

These are my watchlist movies for winter break. I recommend getting a Disney+ subscription even if it’s just for a couple of months to rewatch and relive the classic movies we grew up watching. The nostalgia is real and feels super rewarding, especially as I’m shifting into a new adventure and phase of life. Happy watching!

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Lynn Merigold

Illinois State '23

Lynn graduated from Illinois State University, where she was a contributing writer, chapter editor/president, and member of the Campus Trendsetters community. When she’s not teaching, you can find her spending time with family/friends, attending a fitness class, or listening to an audiobook!