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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

As the holidays sneak closer, I made sure to start making my holiday wishlist for friends and family early this year. I feel like I am always last-minute guessing on gifts I would think I would want, but in reality, are not all that practical. Plus, it gives everyone more time to shop, which reduces the holiday stress in everyone’s lives. Being a college student, my desired items have certainly been geared more toward adulthood than they would have been in previous years, and as unexciting as that may seem to others, it makes me happy, and that’s what matters.

The first item on my wishlist for the holidays this year is a nice winter coat. I have survived the past two years at school with a thin puffer coat, and when I say a heavy coat at school is a must- I mean it. I have learned the hard way that classes will rarely be canceled, even in the heaviest of rain, sleet, and snow, so staying warm and dry on the long walk to classes in such weather is essential.

The next item on my wishlist is an electric can opener. While living at home for so long, I thought an electric can opener would be an unnecessary luxury purchase, and saw no issue with our handheld, manual version. However, our family can opener must have been straight out of the ‘70s, and after moving into my apartment at school, I learned that can openers just aren’t made like they used to be. My roommate and I have two different, newer, manual can openers, and neither of them seem to work properly, leaving me with assorted vegetable juices all over my hands when done attempting to open cans- ew. An electric can opener would be a perfect fix to this problem.

Another more pricey item on my list is the Gucci Flora Gorgeous Gardenia perfume. I have had the same rotation of body sprays from Bath and Body Works since middle school, so I feel due for some real perfume, especially considering I am now in my twenties. I received a sample of this scent from Sephora in an order once, and I was obsessed. It is expensive, but it is quality and long-lasting. And who doesn’t want to smell like flowers?!

My next holiday wishlist item is both useful and sentimental, which is the perfect combination for a gift. A while ago, while scrolling through Instagram, I stumbled upon this candle which is customized around your birthday between the label and scent. The sleek, clean-aesthetic label describes the astrology behind your birthday, and although I am not a huge believer in astrology, I think it makes a neat piece for my bedroom. Personally, I love the scent that is customized for my birthdate, though I don’t know if I would even have the willingness to burn such a special candle.

Lastly on my wishlist for this year is Keurig coffee pods. As a college student and coffee lover, I consume a hefty amount of coffee during the year. I love flavored coffees, and having a variety to choose from makes my morning coffee feel like a little treat every day, without having to spend the money at local coffee shops. However, Keurig coffee pods add up in price quickly, so it would be nice to have my coffee addiction fueled by a loved one, instead.

These are just a handful of ideas for gift-givers this upcoming holiday season. Of course, I appreciate any and all gifts I receive around the holidays, as they are just another way for my friends and family to show that they care. Happy holidays!

Paige Stolp

Illinois State '25

Hi, I'm Paige! I am a senior Middle Level Teacher Education major here at Illinois State with endorsements in science and English Language Arts. I enjoy being my own barista, cooking, watching sunrises and sunsets, and all things Taylor Swift!