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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

Professors asking your pronouns? 

Hello, my Royals! Its been a-while! Welcome all royalty back into the classrooms, this year we are all here for new beginnings, meanings, understandings, and stories. As syllabus week came to a close I wanted to bring attention to a very important adjustment that was added to the professor’s roll call of students. 

Recently professors, before they mention names are giving a safe space and respectful opportunity to address personal pronouns, what exactly to identify the student. This becomes more of a comfortable space for the man students who have preferred pronouns and are now being given the chance to be addressed correctly as such. 

A little background on identifying pronouns was put into the syllabus as a responsibility to everyone to be able to respect the changes that are being created in societal views, especially on the LGBTQ community. Progress is being made even in the very first moments of school. It is also very important that professors are now creating classrooms into being zen on knowledge rather than a prison of solitude. 

From personal experience of witnessing the changes in moods and shocked reactions of relief from the students who actually do have preferred pronouns that they have never had a chance to be addressed as. However, with every sweet comes the sour, and there have been fellow students telling me about the negative connotations this now has caused as well. And for my advice on combating the negativity against this is…frankly if you are not welcoming and respectful to comfortable classrooms than there is plenty of room in the back seat of a car to take you home. In short, this can become a problem for the ones not so educated on the LGBTQ priorities and beliefs. 

Either way, I saw this as a great opportunity for our generation to show smaller generations how it is done. How a safe space is created, how to respect someone no matter what their beliefs, sexuality, gender, or color is. Human beings are all human beings…treat each other as such. This is a test of kindness on our parts, and the professors are making a push for it, then we should show the right amount of motivation for change like this to continue.   

Keeping the first article back short and sweet! Enjoy the beginning because we are all about to be carried onto the path towards a new throne to run! 


Stay Royal! 

xoxo, Chrissa 



Chrissa Apostolopoulos

Illinois State '20

Chrissa Apostolopoulos is a Senior at Illinois State University "As a first-generation Greek Feminist, I write my articles as a respectful listener and advocated speaker for all persons. I open the platform for those silenced and as I continue my journey of opening up new perspectives, I advise my readers to be respectful audience members as well as knowledgeable persons." She/ Her Pronouns Follow Chrissa on Instagram: @chrissa_apostol
Contributor account for Illinois State