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Proper Twitter Etiquette

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.


You wouldn’t think that people could express themselves so much in 140 characters, but some people never fail to amaze us.  To the ladies and gents who can’t seem to keep their fingers off the keyboard tweeting about  drugs, alcohol, and vulgar content we just really don’t care about, this one is for you.  For those looking for a certain audience and loyal followers, this one is for you as well.  So take good notes and learn how to be a successful tweeter.

Find Your Niche

Finding your niche is an important aspect of your twitter account.  Figure out what it is you want to tweet most often about. Whether it is fitness and health tips, comedy, business, fashion, etc. this becomes a good way to stay consistent and bring in new followers.  Of course, it is always okay to stray away from your niche every once in a while to put a personal touch to your Twitter.


Find Your Twitter Name

Sure, @blondebabe1992 is cute and all, but it’s not for Twitter.  When anyone tweets at you, your Twitter username shows in the tweet, so sell yourself in a positive way!  Being in college now and more mature, it is important to choose a clever, yet tasteful, name pertaining to your real name or something relating to your niche.


Post Regularly

Posting often, but not too often is key.  Although this may sound confusing, you have to space out your posts throughout the day instead of cluttering them all onto other’s Twitter feeds all at once. 


Don’t Be Annoying

Yea, this sounds simple and easy to do, but clearly this does not happen with everyone.  Posting your every move and your every emotion every 2 minutes becomes annoying and you begin to loose followers and the true purpose of what Twitter is meant for.


Be Smart About Your Posts

This should be common sense, tweeters! Never should you post about or any pictures of any illegal substances or alcohol, if under the age of 21, on any social media sites.  Many users do not realize that if their accounts are public then anyone can see your tweets! Here is an example of why talking about your illegal drugs on Twitter is probably not a great idea: http://www.buzzfeed.com/michaelrusch/toronto-man-looks-for-weed-on-twitter-and-police-respond-wit?bffb