White lies are harmless…right? Let’s face it, sometimes we would rather tell a little fib in order to avoid a much bigger, complicated issue that could potentially cause some major damage. So, in order to scoot around these complications, we as women tend to…uncomplicate things.
For example, if someone asks you, “how are you doing today?” Your response is most likely something along the lines of, “I’m good thanks, how are you?” Are you really doing well? Everything in your life is just peachy, right? Eh… Or how about when when lies are told to cover something up. Your fellow group project member asks, “How’s your portion of the group paper coming?” Your automatic response is, “Oh, I’m just putting the finishing touches on it, it’s almost done.” Really? Are you just putting the finishing touches on it? Or are you just starting…
We would rather answer the easy way than the honest way because more often than not it means less work, less explaining, and less complication overall.
Sometimes, it’s a good idea to encourage blurring reality; it saves someone from your harsh honesty. Other times, our fibs spare ourselves from the consequences of the truth because sometimes the truth may come back to bite you in the butt. The truth is often boring, hurtful, or not in our best interest to tell..
But regardless of the reasoning behind the pretty little lies we often tell, for better or for worse; here are six fibs women tell on a regular basis.
1. I’m on my way.
Let’s be real…you haven’t left yet and probably won’t for another 20 minutes.
2. I never got your text!
Sure…you didn’t “get the message”. I’ll be sure to resend it a couple times next time then. Or five. Or twenty.
3. I’m fine. No worries.
Basically screams you’re anything but fine; you’re angry, sad, tired, disappointed, etc. You are anything but fine, really. And if the “no worries” is thrown in there, you should be worried. Very worried.
4. I’ll be ready in five minutes!
If five minutes means half an hour…
5. I was just kidding!
This basically gives you a right to say whatever you want, see the reaction the person you told it to has, and then retract the statement and not get in trouble.
6. She’s not that pretty.
If that new girl that the boy your best friend used to talk to is hitting on is pretty, we will never admit it because dang it, your best friend is better and he screwed up. It’s that new girl’s fault even though she has no idea what happened or who you are.