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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

Think of a time where you felt truly free and happy. For me, I think of driving around on some back roads, windows down while taking in all that is around me (an added bonus would be if it’s right around sunset). To make that moment in time even more special, I always have a playlist ready to fit the mood. These playlists have songs in them that are automatic serotonin boosts in and of themselves. Just three seconds in, and I already know that my mood and day will be brightened. There are so many songs that can cause this feeling, but I have a few that I think are top tier to me.


 “No Depression” by Bahamas 

This song really does bring me no depression. It’s extremely relatable and a great, smooth pick-me-up for any bad day. 

“Playlist” by Kid Quill 

If you want a small blast to the past, this song is perfect. It’s upbeat and has a sweet little surprise towards the end that will send right back to the old days.

“Little Things” by Louis The Child (ft. Quinn XCII & Chelsea Cutler) 

It really is the little things that bring me serotonin, including this song. It’s catchy and great for jamming out to with your volume up high. 

“Lady May” by Tyler Childers 

This song automatically makes me picture dancing in the kitchen with someone I love for the rest of my life. The love story within it can bring out the love within anyone.

“Nothing is Bad” by Grady Spencer & the Work 

Need a reminder to start off your day with a positive mindset? This is the song that will fulfill that need.

“Wildfire” by John Mayer 

Summer is right around the corner, but while you wait, this song can bring excitement for sunshine for you in the meantime. 

“Gaims” by KAMAUU 

This is a song that I can easily blast on my radio and just jam out for a moment. It is an ultimate mood booster.

“Twenty-One” by Corey Smith 

I know many of us are still young, but this song makes me think of all the good times that I have had in my life. He goes through his memories of growing up, which gets you thinking of all your memories too and all the ones you still get to make.

Each and every one of these songs has something special to them that instantly makes me feel better. They all have their different lyrics and meanings, and they all fit for each and every one of my moods. If you like any of these songs or want to hear more that are similar, check out some of my playlists on Spotify that I have linked below.


The Good Stuff Playlist

Serotonin Summer Playlist



Hey guys! I'm Chloe a Senior here at Illinois State University. I am majoring in Public Relations and looking forward to my future career. Until then I plan to keep drinking iced coffee, keeping up with all the latest reality shows, and writing articles for Her Campus. I can't wait to share my writing and part of my life with y'all. If you want even more of me in your life, follow me on Twitter and Instagram! Twitter - @ChloDae Instagram - @Chlo.Dae
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