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The Aftermath- What the Election Results Mean for Women, Children, and our Future

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

As we continue to process the results from the 2024 presidential election, many of us, specifically women are wondering how the results will shape our lives and those of future generations. For women and girls, this question touches on specific issues like healthcare, reproductive rights, education, and the welfare of children. This article aims to cover these topics from a neutral standpoint, trying to present potential future outcomes.  

Healthcare and maternal health

 One of the most significant issues affected by the election is healthcare, specifically maternal healthcare and reproductive rights. These will most likely change significantly in the coming years, as policies, rights, etc… have already been challenged and overturned by the Supreme Court and in several states. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that the United States has the highest maternal mortality rates among developed/high-income countries. Additionally, PBS also states that U.S. maternal deaths have more than doubled in the past 20 years specifically affecting black mothers who have died at the highest rate, and an increase in deaths found in American Indian and Native Alaskan mothers. These statistics are meant to highlight the severity of these issues, especially while maternal healthcare and reproductive rights are at stake. Policies that provide funding for maternal health programs, prenatal/postpartum care, and healthcare access are crucial for supporting maternal and infant health.  

As previously mentioned, various states have seen shifts in policies related to reproductive health, including access to contraceptives and abortion services. Depending on the balance of power, some states may see more restrictive legislation, while others may expand their access to reproductive healthcare. These policy changes have obviously been affecting women tremendously and will continue to impact women today, tomorrow, and forever.  

Economic opportunity and gender wage gap 

Economic policy is another topic that significantly impacts women, particularly speaking of gender wage gap and creating support for working/middle class families. Kamala Harris has spoken about the need to bridge the wage gap and increase support for working mothers and families. Harris stated, “Today, on average, working women who are working full time, year-round, make just 83 cents for every dollar that a man makes. And for many women of color, the gap is even wider.  Over a 40-year career, a woman will lose out on about $400,000.  For Black women, Latina women, Native American women, that loss in wages is closer to $1 million.” As we are currently in 2024, these statistics are still quite shocking to think about and it’s something the United States still needs to work towards and address. Harris has highlighted that we need to create an economy that allows every woman to thrive and find a healthy balance where families don’t have to choose between taking care of their children and paying the bills.  

However, Donald Trump has a more tax-focused approach where it reduces the burden of businesses, with the goal of increasing job growth. Trump believes in an approach that tries to limit government intervention. His focus strays away from the gender gap, and more towards a “pro-business economy” that may create more jobs. While there are more subtopics that fall under economic opportunity and gender wage gap, CNN offers helpful insights into both candidates and their views on these issues.

Education and child welfare

Currently, our education funding is largely determined by the state level. Kamala Harris has been vocal in her support to increase funding for lower income schools and ensure a quality education for all. Harris’s support for increased education funding commits to expanding opportunities for all, especially across diverse communities.  

Trump, on the other hand, wants to place the educational path into parent hands, taking away more child choice and autonomy. Project 2025 touches more into this as it is a conservative-led initiative started by the Heritage Foundation and former Trump administration officials. The project seeks to reform several federal departments, including the Department of Education (DOE), giving states more autonomy to shape their own educational standards and policies. Some may argue that this may give more flexibility within states, while others worry that it will widen the inequalities and disparities within our educational system. Trump’s stance on increased parent and state choice does align with these goals, while Harris has constantly reiterated that education is a right and should not be a privilege.  

Within the Project 2025’s proposals, we may see increased censorship in classrooms, critical cuts to funding, meaning fewer resources for public schools, especially those in under-funded areas. This could have a long-term impact for educators, students, families, and opportunities in general.  

These are only some of the many topics that could be discussed, but I want to bring it to light because it’s scary. As a future educator, I am not going to lie and pretend everything will be okay. As a future mother, I’m not going to lie and say that I’m not scared for the day when there’s a chance my daughter will come up to me needing resources that may not even be available. Unfortunately, we need to be realistic about what’s at stake here.  

As I conclude, many of us realize that these election results have far-reaching consequences that critically affect the future for the working class, women, and children. Whether we align more closely with Harris’s or Trump’s perspectives, we need to understand the implications of these situations in order to hold discussions and ultimately advocate for a better tomorrow.  

Nicole Stoicescu

Illinois State '25

Hi my name is Nicole Stoicescu! I am a senior at Illinois State University majoring in English Education. I enjoy reading, working out, hanging out with friends, and cooking. I joined Her Campus because I like having the freedom to write and discuss topics that I enjoy but that others may enjoy/find helpful as well!