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What’s the Worst Fashion Trend for Men or Women?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

With the warm weather approaching, the students at Illinois State are storing away their winter coats and starting to show off their fashionable attire. It won’t be long until we see our beloved high waisted shorts and sandals again. As the warm weather rolls in, though, we dread the thought of seeing the trends we hate the most, or up-and-coming trends that make zero sense. Her Campus at Illinois State wanted to know what fashion trends our fellow Redbirds hated the most. We decided to ask the Redbirds out on the quad: “What is the worst fashion trend for men or women?” and we were shocked at some of the answers we got!


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Amber Allison

Illinois State

Student at Illinois State University. Memeber of Delta Delta Delta sorority. Online shopping addict. Obsessed with coffee.
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