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You Know You’re an Education Major at ISU When…

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.



1. You’re in a class surrounded by females.

2. You have your future classroom planned out on Pinterest.

3. Filling out a Blue Doc for the first time is like trying to solve the Da Vinci Code.

4. Math 130 made you cry at least 10 times.

5. You feel like you’re going into cardiac arrest when your friends have gotten their student teaching placements, but you haven’t.

6. Feeling like you won the lottery when you finally get your student teaching placement (crying possibly involved).

7. DeGarmo is like your 2nd home.

8. Thinking about the edTPA gives you nightmares.

9. “Oh, you want me to go out on a Thursday night with you? Sorry, I can’t I have a lesson plan due tomorrow.”

10. Business majors complain about tests, you’re like… “Oh, what are those?”

11. Hearing time after time that leggings are not clinical appropriate, but still wearing them anyways.

12. You’re sick of hearing from other majors that we’ll never make any money.

13. You visit your advisor to double/triple/quadruple check that your endorsements and classes are in order.

14. You know the struggle of carrying a backpack and teaching materials at the same time.

15. You fall in love with your 209 tutee and dread the thought of leaving.

16. It’s like Christmas when you start buying your “teacher clothes”.

17. You have a bedtime of 9 p.m. just like your students.

18. You see your life flash before your eyes when there’s a possibility of taking the ACT again all because you don’t want to take the TAP test.

19. You feel excited when you meet someone who’s NOT a science endorser.

20. You pray to the teaching gods that your placements are not over 30 minutes away.

21. Finding a 6 month lease is like trying to find a unicorn…it doesn’t exist.

22. You spend more hours at the library than you do sleeping.

23. You cry tears of joy after registering for your last math class.

24. You and your TCH friends take full advantage of Dunkin Donut’s happy hour.

25. You feel angry when you hear other student’s saying Education is an easy major.

26. You’re proud to be an Education Redbird.

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Amber Allison

Illinois State

Student at Illinois State University. Memeber of Delta Delta Delta sorority. Online shopping addict. Obsessed with coffee.
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