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3 Tips for Keeping Sane During Finals Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

As a junior, you’d think I’d be able to safely say for sure what tips and tricks work when it comes to managing the stress of finals. However, something I’ve learned is that different things work for different people. So it’s all about trying techniques to keep you calm during what may undoubtedly be the most chaotic two weeks of your semester. No matter what you find to be the best approach, it’s important to remain calm and remember that while school is important, maintaining your mental health is more important. So here’s three suggestions to keep sane during finals week.

Keep a Calendar

I’m the type of person who needs a calendar to keep track of all my due dates straight. At the beginning of the semester, I grab all my syllabuses and mark in the big assignments, papers and other important dates that I will definitely lose track of. While this is a great tactic for keeping the semester on track, it’s also good come finals because you know what days and times you’ll have exams. It’s important to check early to make sure you have no conflicts, because if you do, you’ll have to talk with professors and it’s not good to leave that to a week before the exam. By keeping track of the final weeks, you’ll know when to get a head start on papers or studying so you’re not completely overwhelmed. At least that’s my theory and sometimes it works, but sometimes, life just happens and you have to work on the go.


You are no good if you are sleep deprived. That is just common sense. If you feel that you’re going to blur words together during an exam, it’s a good chance you need some sleep. You may think you’re invincible to the pull of bed during a study sesh, but it’s important to get some ZZZs. I’ve learned the hard way that there is really no point taking an exam if you’re too exhausted to even process what is going on. Your body will thank you for that extra sleeping time the night before an exam. Only you will know what point that is, but you must decide where sleep becomes more important than cramming. Once you figure this out, you can approach studying a little better.  


Take a break

Whether it’s for running, grabbing lunch with a friend or even going out for a night, it’s important to take a break from all the studying. No one can work 24/7 without feeling overwhelmed and it’s important to leave the library every once in awhile. You can only stare at dates and numbers for so long without going crazy. Even if it means taking a walk or listening to some tunes, develop a rhythm or even a system of rewards for focusing for a certain time.



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College! Can anything be more exciting! Born and raised on the southside of Chicago, I went to high school in the city so coming to the middle of the cornfields is a big change, but one I am very excited for. When I’m not busy stressing about school, I enjoy reading, having crazy adventures with friends, and just living to the fullest. (Insert one of my numerous favorite Pintrest quotes here) Fresh out of high school, I’m ready to report on all things collegiate and take you along my wild and sure to be bumpy road that is freshman year! 
Editor in Chief of Her Campus Illinois Chapter