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4 Ways to Give a Helping Hand this Holiday Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

In the midst of the holidays it can be easy to get caught up in the superficial aspects. We all tend to constantly worry about what presents to put on your Christmas lists or what gifts to buy your loved ones. Instead of worrying about the superficials, try focusing on the elements of the Christmas season which are truly important! Check out the list below to discover 4 ways you can give a helping hand this Holiday season:


1. Donate Gifts to Those in Need!

Sign up for Toys for Tots or another toy drive foundation to give a gift to a child who might not be getting one this Christmas. The gift does not have to be expensive or elaborate, you can buy whatever you’d like to give. The important thing is you are sending joy through your gift! Get in the Christmas spirit and become Santa Claus for a child in need.                                                                           https://i.pinimg.com/originals/56/1d/be/561dbe38c05b38c955c2e439c482f08b.jpg

2. Spread The Joy!

Whether it is giving a smile to a stranger or going out of your way to do something nice for a friend, remember to spread the joy this Holiday season. Any simple act that can put a smile on another’s face is a way of spreading the holiday joy! Remember to let the little things go and focus on what is truly important and good.


3. Sign up for a Christmas Food Drive!

There are food drives happening all year round but certain communities specifically start food drives during the holidays. My community does a Christmas Canned Food Drive. Signing up to participate in a food drive is a great way to give a helping hand. Your donations can create a family in need’s Christmas dinner!


4. Cherish those around you!

Giving a helping hand does not always mean giving a helping hand to strangers or those going through hardships. Try going out of your way to show acts of kindness to those near and dear to your heart too. It can simply be reminding your parents or grandparents how much you love and appreciate them. Hearing the words of your love and appreciation for your family and friends can give them the push they need to get through a tough day, or simply make a great day shine even brighter!                            https://d2v9y0dukr6mq2.cloudfront.net/video/thumbnail/GTYSdDW/family-hugging-each-other-at-christmas-holiday_bx0ewqhr_thumbnail-full01.png



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