The leaves are falling, there’s a nip in the air, and that’s when you hear it: the sound of gravel crunching underneath tires and clamor of loud voices you know all too well. The relatives have arrived, and it’s Thanksgiving. We can all throw a smile on our face and pretend that this is the best time of the year, but let’s be honest: sometimes it’s a bit difficult to get into the holiday spirit. Here are eight things that remind us why Thanksgiving can actually be the worst holiday yet.
1. Turkey
Do people actually like this stuff? What made the turkey the international Thanksgiving symbol? Who heard that gobble gobble from such a large-hipped, feathery animal and thought, “Yes, this is it. That is our holiday dinner”? I feel bad for all the vegetarians in this world, but I guess they can sit in the corner enjoying some cranberry sauce in peace without any pressure to eat such a thing.
2. The Parade
I honestly don’t understand what this parade is all about. I see blown-up turkeys galore flying in the sky (which I find quite creepy by the way) and family members crowd around the TV to watch. There was even a Spongebob balloon once…what does Spongebob have to do with Thanksgiving?
3. The Interrogation from Family Members
“Do you have a boyfriend?” “What are you doing after college?” “Do you have a job yet?” “Seriously, no boyfriend?” These are just some of the questions we’re going to have to answer to the plethora of relatives. Saying the same thing over and over again really gets frustrating, too. No Aunt Susan, I am not dating anyone, and no, I’m not lonely.
4. Football
No one ever knows what is going on while watching football. While everyone else is talking and enjoying appetizers, we have Uncle Mike and Uncle Jim yelling at the TV in unison. Please stop, we get that football is exciting for you two, but honestly, I’m getting a headache.
5. Your Grandma’s Casserole
Sorry Grandma, I know you’re excited about it, but each year it becomes harder to swallow. Mushrooms should never be in a casserole. Ever.
6. Hosting
Mom is yelling at me to clean, the vacuum is running full speed, turkey is in the oven, I am scrubbing everything (even the walls), and I am wondering if I could ever catch a break.
7. Black Friday
Do I really want to lose sleep and head to the mall only to fight with wild people in the electronics department at Target? Yeah, count me out.
8. Saying What You’re Thankful For
We all know this is just a gimmick to get me to admit that I am thankful for my family and the food and the opportunity to go to college – blah blah blah. In reality, I am thankful that this holiday is almost over. Let’s get this show on the road.
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