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Ain’t Nothing but a Jean Thang

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.
With spring approaching, students need a jacket that is warm but not too heavy. The solution? Jean jackets! Jean jackets are back in style, and both men and women on campus have been rocking them lately. They are the perfect addition to any outfit, and are comfortable to wear on a chilly night out paired with a cute scarf. Check out how these collegiettes style their jean jackets below.
Hi I'm Morgan! I'm currently working towards my BA in Advertising at the University of Illinois- Urbana Champaign. I love pancakes, nature, reading, painting, and netflix binging.
A senior at the University of Illinois, Elizabeth spends half of her time in denial of her impending graduation and the other half acting as Editor-in-Chief/ President/Campus Correspondent for the site you're on now, Her Campus Illinois. Her favorite color is pink, which makes this position a match made in heaven. Still trying to figure out what she wants to be when she grows up, her passions lie in writing, digital marketing, social media and fashion. Connect with her on Twitter and Instagram @champaigngirl. And if you prefer good, old fashioned email, reach her at elizabethdeuel@hercampus.com.