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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

Welcome back to campus students! Summer was well needed, but now that we’re back on campus there’s much to look forward to: the beginning of exciting classes, seeing campus friends, independence (haha). But the start of school can also bring academic stress and fear of the unknown. So, here are a few ways I like to deal with back to school jitters!

1. Buy a Planner

I adore TJ Maxx planners because they’re so unique and they never break the bank. For me, a good year means good time management and the best way to ensure I manage my time well is by scheduling. I love scheduling so much I actually have 2 planners: one for personal life and one for academics. And of course, since you’ve got a nice planner, you need some nice writing utensils as well! I know you thought you were done shopping on Amazon… you’re not (go ahead and add pens and highlighters to the cart).

2. Build a Routine

Consistency is key for when motivation fails you and the best way to build consistency is to have a routine. Whether that’s a morning skincare routine, a gym routine, or even something as small as setting aside your clothes you’re going to wear the next day, the night before. Setting a routine will immensely help with also realizing how much free time you have. While school is important, so are you! Scheduling time to do things you love is just as important.

3. Eat FULFILLING meals

Your body is going through a lot in college. You’re studying long hours, going to multiple classes, running to RSO meetings and all while maintaining your own sanity. It can be difficult to juggle so many tasks, but something I’ve found helpful to pull me through is eating fulfilling meals in whatever that looks like for you. Some people have protein goals, while others focus on eating more veggies and fruits. Whatever that goal looks like for you, make sure to set aside time to eat! Bonus if you pack a snack in between classes because I promise it’ll come in handy.

4. Set a sleep schedule goal

And yes, I said goals because I realize we’re college students and must be realistic when it comes to sleep. Easier said than done, establishing a sleep schedule earlier on in the semester is not only going to save you from premature wrinkles but actually will save you so much stress and time throughout the semester. I prefer waking up around 7 am and sleeping by 11pm. Some days fluctuate given my workload, but like I mentioned before… It’s a goal!

5. Give yourself Grace

We are so harsh on ourselves and tend to forget we need to be our biggest supporters. No one else knows your life better than you and because of that no one understands the full extent of stress in your life. With that being said, take time for yourself to heal, breathe, be present and relax. You deserve a calm nervous system.

With that being said, welcome back Illini’s and I hope you have a wonderful start to the academic year and remember to stay uniquely you!

Mierra Freeman

Illinois '26

Hiya! My name is Mierra Freeman and I am currently a junior studying sociology while on the Pre-Law track in addition to the VP of Editorial at the Illinois Chapter. Although watching criminal minds excites the future attorney in me, I have always had a special place in my heart for all things beauty, self-care, skincare, motivation, and fashion. If you take interest in the same hobbies, welcome readers...you're in for a treat! As always, stay uniquely you!!đź’—