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Campus Celebrity: Ashley Hummel

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

If you have ever been to an exchange or barn dance, you know that it usually doesn’t take long for someone to get out of hand or potentially put herself in a hazardous situation. What you may not know, however, is that there is someone behind the scenes whose sole job is to prevent dangerous situations that arise from fun nights like these. This Greek guardian angel is junior Ashley Hummel, Panhellenic Council Vice President of Risk Management and Kolusis Co-President.
Here at the University of Illinois, where we hold the title for the largest Greek community in the nation, as well as the school (arguably) with the best bar scene in the Big Ten, planning for sorority safety seems like a responsibility of epic proportions. Lucky for us HC readers, Ashley landed her angel wings just long enough to give us a peek of her rewarding position.
HC: What are your responsibilities as Panhellenic Vice President of Risk Management?As the Panhellenic Council VP of Risk Management, one of my major duties is to preside over Kolusis with the Interfraternity Council VP of Risk Management. Kolusis was established to allow Greeks self-governance, while maintaining social event guidelines that follow the University’s policies. It is our job to educate the Panhellenic and Interfraternity Councils’ President’s, Risk Managers, Social Chairs and Kolusis Observers about proper Risk Management policy and member safety. I am also currently organizing and planning the 4th annual Walk a Mile in Her Shoes, a sexual violence awareness walk on campus.
HC: At a large university where drinking makes up a significant part of students’ leisure time, how did you choose to take on the responsibility of presiding over such a program?
I first hand have witnessed too many of my friends risk their lives by drinking too much or they have been in situations where they didn’t have the information or resources they needed. As college drinking continues to increase, I think it is extremely important to have programs such as Kolusis set in place to help keep students safe. My biggest fear as VP of Risk Management is a casualty on campus that could have been preventable!
What do you think is the biggest risk management mistake students on campus make?
 I believe the biggest risk management problem on campus is we are unaware of our surroundings and hence make ourselves easy targets because we are vulnerable to harm and danger.
HC: What do you hope to accomplish by the end of your term?
As VP of Risk Management, I hope to provide a safe and approachable environment for the women of the Panhellenic Community and to provide necessary educational resources. My goal for Walk a Mile in Her Shoes this year is to increase male attendance by double from last year! 

HC: How do you spend your free time?
Ha, free time… I have not had free time in a couple semesters. In the off chance I do have free time, I can usually be found either napping, watching terrible reality TV (I have a sick obsession with Jersey Shore, Teen Mom and the Real Housewives series) or at Joe’s on the dance floor.
Learn more about Kolusis and risk management guidelines at http://www.illinikolusis.com.