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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

Explore Champaign/Urbana

If you’re staying on Campus during winter break or are leaving campus later, exploring the local area around you without having to worry about any academic deadlines on your mind can be a liberating experience. Some places I’ve heard students don’t visit often (but should!) are the Harvest Market, Art Coop, UIUC Arboretum, Krannert Art Museum, Busey Woods, BakeLab Pattisserie, and plenty of other places I’m sure you could find after scouring Reddit. 

Pamper Yourself

After finals, I tend to look and feel unkempt. If you feel this way as well, I recommend pampering yourself with some skincare and beauty products! Some people like to do an Everything Shower, which usually involves going above and beyond just washing your body and applying extensive hair or skin treatments that one would normally not do on a daily basis. If this seems a bit excessive for you, that’s okay! You don’t need to use several products all at once just to feel rejuvenated. Applying a face mask, painting your nails, or exfoliating your body can leave you feeling as good as new without breaking the bank and testing your patience. 

Catch Up On Shows/Movies

During a busy semester, you may have missed a couple of episodes of your favorite show or missed that new movie all of your family and friends couldn’t stop raving about. Grabbing some popcorn, wrapping yourself in a fluffy blanket, and being immersed in whatever’s on the screen can be a fun way to give your brain the break it deserves. 

Catch up on Reading Books (for fun!)

For my fellow bookworms who unfortunately don’t have time during the semester to bury yourselves into non-academic books, winter and summer break is usually an optimal chunk of time you can obsess over books and characters. 

Sleep in

Unfortunately, a lot of college students don’t get enough sleep due to staying up late studying for exams or working on projects. Sleeping in without having to set an alarm to wake up to can give your body and brain the rest it needs. 

Deep Clean 

During finals, you may not have had the time or energy to clean and organize your room. Hair might be piling up on the floor, your trash can may be overflowing, or a layer of dust may be coating your furniture. Now that finals are over, cleaning up your room is an excellent way to reset both your room and your mind. 

Spend time with the people you care about

Take some time out of your day and be with the people who make you happy! A lot of the activities I mentioned above can be done with your family or friends. Some other ideas you can do with your loved ones could be playing board games, baking, working out, and competing in sports.  

Vrushi Patel

Illinois '27

Hi! My name's Vrushi, and I'm currently a sophomore at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign working towards UI/UX research and/or design. Aside from writing, I enjoy reading books in a variety of genres, designing with Adobe, and listening to spooky horror stories!