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How to Survive Finals Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

Finals season is coming up, and with that usually comes cramming, all-nighters, and feeling overwhelmed at all times. But it doesn’t have to be that way! I know that’s easier said than done, but with these tips you’ll finally be able to survive finals season!

1. Choose your study environment wisely

Figure out if you study better alone or with friends. If you don’t mind some background noise, then a coffee shop is a good idea. But if you prefer to study alone or need complete silence, then the library or simply staying in your room is your best bet!

2. Dress comfy

Make sure you wear something that doesn’t distract you from studying. For me, finals season consists of primarily hoodies or pullovers paired with some leggings. No need to complicate your outfit when all you’re trying to do is study.

3. Set the mood

Setting the mood consists of a few things like clearing your study space and pulling out all your notes. Make sure you have something to sip on while studying, like coffee, a smoothie, or just water!  This is also the time to find some good music to listen to during your study session. Instrumental playlists on Spotify are nice to have on in the background if you find music with words too distracting.

4. Make a list

Check your planner and write out what you need to get done so that you don’t forget anything. There’s no better feeling than crossing out each thing you finish!

5. Determine how you retain information best

Everyone has certain ways of studying that work for them. One way to process information is by rewriting your notes. Most of us type notes during lecture, so taking the time to physically write them out could help you remember the concepts better. If you like making flashcards, Quizlet is the way to go!

6. Set your phone to “do not disturb mode”

Not looking at your phone when you get a notification takes a lot of self control, so turning on “do not disturb” will help prevent you from being tempted to respond to any texts you get.

7. Exercise

This is a great way to clear your head after a few hours of studying. You don’t necessarily have to go to the gym – even doing a quick exercise in your room will help you feel refreshed.

8. Make a study schedule

Space out your studying so you don’t feel overwhelmed by how much you have to review before your exams. Dedicating some time each day to studying will prevent you from being tempted to cram everything the night before, which will only stress you out.

9. Reward yourself

If you’ve accomplished everything you set out to do during your study session, then be sure to reward yourself! What motivates me the most is getting to watch an episode of whatever show I’m currently binging on Netflix – just do something that you enjoy!


While you don’t have to get a full eight hours every night, make sure you get at least some sleep! Taking care of yourself is essential, so make sure you know when to call it a night and just go to bed.


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Melanie Marin

Illinois '21

Melanie is a senior majoring in marketing and international business management at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She spends her free time going to concerts, binging shows on netflix, and baking. Follow her on instagram @melaniemarin9
Gloriann Lance

Illinois '19

Hi! My name is Gloriann Lance and I am a senior at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. I am one of the two Campus Correspondents for the 2018-2019 school year and I have been on Her Campus for 3 years.