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kayaking along a lake during sunset
kayaking along a lake during sunset
Lynn Merigold

How To Start Your Mornings Off Right

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

I’m not a morning person. If I wake up any time before 10 a.m., it is because I have somewhere to be. But entering my twenties made me realize that I could really benefit from trying to become a morning person. All the thinking of feeling like I have wasted so much time sleeping in could go away if I tried waking up at six every morning. But for that, a nice morning routine is needed! Here are a couple of things to remember when waking up early to ensure a positive start to the new day.

Start the night before

I strongly believe that one of the keys to a successful morning routine is a healthy night routine. Do some nice skincare before you go to bed and read at least 10 pages of that book you’ve been putting off for quite some time. Make a chamomile tea to wind down after a long day and watch an episode of your comfort show. Always try to take at least a little bit of time to reflect on your day and be proud of yourself for getting up every day.


You don’t need to have a fancy journal to write down all the things you are grateful for and looking forward to! A simple piece of paper and a pen will do, and I can guarantee you that it will make you feel a little more cheerful to start your day. If you’re not a big fan of journaling, you can put on some chakra-healing music and meditate instead. Remember to find little ways to connect with your soul every morning!

Buy an alarm clock & drink water

One of the things that worked for me was buying a sunrise alarm clock from Amazon and having that be my morning alarm instead of having one on my phone. The one that I got imitates the sunrise lightning and plays a calming tune when it is time for me to start my day. And while the alarm clock is doing its thing, I grab the glass filled with water that is sitting on my side table and drink all of it. Believe it or not, I’m wide awake after that!

Stay in bed a little longer

Try setting your alarm to 15 minutes before you actually have to get out of your bed. A lot of people often dread the simple part of having to leave their warm beds and that’s what makes them hate their mornings! But if you spend those 15 minutes sending a text to your parents or watching affirmation videos will benefit your mood and your attitude for the day.

Remember to be gentle with yourself and understand that learning new habits will take some time. Don’t get discouraged if you decide to sleep in one day! It is all about knowing what works best for you.

Liv Barwinska

Illinois '24

Hi! I was the previous VP of Editorial for the Illinois chapter and I majored in Journalism. Writing has always been a big part of my life and Her Campus allowed me to follow my passion, while being surrounded by amazing and supportive girls. These past two years with HC have been incredible and I'll forever be grateful for my time here. Go Illini! All the love, Liv xx