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Wellness > Mental Health

The Importance of Prioritizing Mental Health

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

We’re only four weeks into the semester and it already feels as though the days are dragging on and you end the day in bed exhausted. However, this year’s winter blues look different compared to years prior. Sure, the snow and subzero temperatures persist like normal, but COVID-19 continues to make its impact on life and in turn, mental health.

While I’ve always had a touch of the winter blues during January and February, this year took the cake. I felt more down than I had been in a while and I couldn’t quite figure out what I should do about it. My lack of motivation and general sadness made me reevaluate how I’d been thinking and what I needed to do to help the issue. I quickly realized that I needed to put my mental health first and make that my priority.

Being in college, students are often told to prioritize and put school first. While I do agree that school is super important and needs to be taken seriously, I’ve come to realize that mental health should also be a top priority. When you aren’t in the best place mentally, other aspects of your life, including school, will suffer because of it. Allowing yourself to continue to suppress or not acknowledge how you’re truly feeling will do more damage than good. The sooner you begin to put your mental health first and make an effort to address issues when needed, the more likely you are to start noticing a difference.

So, we’ve established the importance of making mental health a priority, but what can you do to prioritize it? There are many different ways to prioritize mental health and they can vary from person to person. Here are a few ideas and tips you can try out to help put yourself and your mental health first.

Woman exercising with resistance band
Photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels

Get Active and Move Your Body

It’s really difficult to find motivation to move your body when it’s cold and snowy outside. However, taking even just 10 minutes out of your day to exercise and have some time for yourself always gives me a rush of endorphins. Whether it’s going to the gym or praticing meditation, setting aside time where you’re solely focused on your body can really improve your state of mind!

acai bowl
Photo by Jonathan Borba from Pexels

Engage in Self-Care

The term self-care has been talked about a lot in the past year. Taking some time to do something for yourself can be as simple or grand as you want it to be. Whether it’s treating yourself to your favorite food, putting on a facemask or winding down with a new Netflix show, self-care can take a variety of forms. Engaging in an act of self-care every day can be incredibly beneficial to one’s mentality.

Three women talking with flowers
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez from Unsplash

Find a Support System

Personally, this has been the most important aspect to making my mental health a priority. Taking the time to talk to my parents and my friends has been really helpful and lets me really acknowledge how I’m feeling. This factor can have great variety, whether you want to talk to family, friends or a professional. Personally, just having someone to express my feelings and vent to has made such a profound impact on my mental health.

Mental health looks different for everyone. Whether you feel like you’re struggling or are doing just fine, it’s always important to make it a priority in your life.


Liz Gremer

Illinois '24

Freshman at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign studying Speech and Hearing Sciences.
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