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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

As midterm and internship season approaches, it’s important to remember that taking care of yourself is one of the best ways you can continue to push yourself academically. Taking care of your physical and mental health is just as important when considering how to proceed studying and general learning. Another level to self-care is enjoying it in the company of others as well! While needing alone time can alleviate some stresses, enjoying time with others can be extremely satisfying and calming too.

A self care day can truly entail anything and everything, ranging from retail therapy, outside time, a craft moment, or simply a movie or tv show on the couch with your favorite snack! Finding what works for you is incredibly important in order to alleviate stress and improve your wellbeing. While these ideas, and many more, can create an amazing self care day, there are other considerations to be made.


While in the thick of midterms, homework, job searching, and general academic stress, having a time frame and a planner can help you map out and balance your workload while still making time for relaxation. One example is planning an activity or event later in the day. With the promise of relaxation of the line, completing some amount of work followed by an evening of relaxation can be very beneficial, similar to working for a reward. This also serves as assurance for knowing you are not ‘wasting’ your day but rather, organizing, and ending with a reward. Having a mindset that involves balancing academics and health can prove well in the long run.


Having a safe and comfortable environment is vital for a self care day. The environment can truly make or break how an evening flows. From inviting friends to a peaceful space, the setting and space around you influences your actions and emotions. By setting up and maintaining a calming space, you can also feel more comfortable and at peace.


Planning an activity gives the evening structure and guidance. Whether the activity is something involved such as baking, playing a board game, or a craft, or more laid back such as simply watching a movie with fun snacks. Having a loose plan of events helps to indulge in the current activity and truly relax.


While having alone time is very important, the friendship, emotional support, and conversation generally makes a relaxing evening something more memorable. The chatter and laughter can help take your mind off academic stress and knowing you are around others you care about can be peaceful and enjoyable as well.

A self care day is not an exact science, but rather a trial and error to understand what works and does not work for you. Make it personal and mix it up! Let ideas flow and plans change: anything that may provide physical and mental relaxation.

Urvi Chaubal

Illinois '26

Hi! My name is Urvi and I am studying Information Science + Data Science here at UIUC! I love reading, crocheting, and spending time with friends!