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The Lalagirl Smiling Holding Journal
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Wellness > Health

Journaling Prompts for Self-Care: Nurturing Your Mind and Soul

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

Are you interested in journaling, but don’t know where to start? Or what to write about? Look no further! Journaling can be a powerful form for self-care and creates a space to reflect. Whether you’ve been writing or you’re just starting out, the right prompts can guide your thoughts and benefit your mental health. Here are some journaling prompts that you can consider on your self care journeys:

What Does Self-Care Mean to Me?

Put self-care in your own words. What activities do you associate with self care? Understanding your own definition can help you determine what can truly benefit you.

List Five Things I’m Grateful For Today

Gratitude can change your perspective and help you appreciate the little things. Each day, take a moment to list a few things you appreciate; they can be big or small, whatever you want to highlight.

How Am I Feeling Right Now?

What are you feeling physically and emotionally? Write down your thoughts without being hard on yourself. Acknowledging your feelings is important to decipher them.

What Are My Current Stressors?

Identify what’s stressing you at the moment. By putting these stressors on paper, you can gain clarity and create ways to manage them. You can also think of ways to lessen these pressures in your life.

What Makes Me Feel Happy?

List people, activities, or places that lift your spirits. This could be things like: hobbies, books, your family, your friends, etc. Reflecting on what makes you happy can help you prioritize those things in your life to help your mental health.

What Boundaries Do I Need to Set?

Think of areas in your life where you might struggle with boundaries, whether it be with yourself or others. Write about the boundaries you want to create, such as saying no to commitments you cannot balance and creating time for yourself.

Describe a Perfect Day

Imagine a day where you feel completely happy. What would you do and who would you be with (or would you be alone)?

Write a Letter to My Future Self

Write a letter with advice or encouragement that you’d give yourself one year from now. This can help you visualize your future and where you want to go in life.

What Are My Favorite Affirmations?

List affirmations that you feel empower you. These positive statements can help increase your self-esteem and also help your self-care journey by putting you first. Consider writing them down and saying them daily to center yourself and your goals.

Overall, journaling is your journey, and it can foster a stronger sense of self. By exploring these prompts, you can create a meaningful part of your life that enhances your self-care routine. Remember that perfection isn’t the goal, sharing your thoughts and feelings and how you can be the best person you can be are. Happy journaling!

Baileigh Hannah

Illinois '25

Baileigh is a passionate English major that also loves to dabble in creative writing. When she isn't writing, you can find her rewatching The Office, reading a book, or listening to new music!