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Making The Most Of Your Staycation: Four Ways To Spend Your Spring Break While At Home

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

With spring break quickly approaching, you may find yourself contemplating how you should spend your time away from campus. As much as I would love to find myself sitting on a sandy beach, that is simply just not feasible for a college girl on a budget! Instead, I will find myself returning to my hometown to spend time with family and friends, all while working at my seasonal part-time job. I assume many of you will be doing the same! To make the most of your spring break at home, here are four tasks that you can check off your to-do list!

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Courtesy of Corporate Natalie

Get your hair done!

While at home, support your local hair salon and schedule a hair care service! Whether you need a subtle trim, highlights, or wanting a new look, take advantage of your time away from school and make yourself feel good! I always get excited for spring break, as I know that I have a scheduled hair appointment to look forward to. This is a time for me to pamper myself and indulge in some self care. I always love catching up with my hairdresser and filling her in on my latest college experiences. Please consider supporting your local businesses!

Spring Cleaning

As you move some of your belongings from college to your childhood bedroom, it might be a good time to remove unwanted clutter and organize! Start off by dusting off your shelves and vacuuming your room to give yourself a clean slate. You can also prepare for the warmer temperatures by switching from your winter wardrobe to your spring wardrobe. Try to bring your bulkiest items home over break to put them in storage to alleviate some space in your dorm or apartment’s closet. Be sure to pack some sandals, shorts, t-shirts and tank tops for the ride home. The midwest summers are brutal!

Shopping Day

If you feel like you’re in need of new clothing or accessories, invite your mom, sister or girlfriends to a fun filled shopping day! It never hurts to engage in some retail therapy, especially after a series of stressful midterms and projects. Find a new dress or a cute new outfit suitable for the spring and summer weather. You can even make a trip to the nail salon to get a pedicure to prepare for wearing open toed sandals within the next few months. I always cherish spending my shopping days with my mom and sister, so I highly recommend that you take advantage of your time at home with family!

Visit A New Cafe or RestaURAnt

With new restaurants and cafes constantly emerging, set aside a day to venture out and try something new! I love supporting small businesses that have recently opened in my community, in hopes that I will find something that I will consistently return home for. I don’t spend a lot of money on food and beverages while on campus, so I try to treat myself when I am visiting my hometown.

Calli Kraft

Illinois '27

Hi! I'm Calli Kraft, a sophomore here at the University of Illinois. I am working towards earning a major in Advertising and a minor in Public Relations. As a member of Her Campus at Illinois, I am actively involved in the Public Relations Team and a writer for the Editorial Team.