Sunday, the first day of the week. For some, the day where all the procrastination catches up with you. You spend all day at your study spot, just to come home and not take time for yourself, and certainly not starting off the week right. The idea of “Self Care Sunday” emerged when Saturday started to become a “buffer” day, where those who had activities during the week would take a break, leaving Sunday to do all of the work. But, in today’s technology era, work doesn’t usually leave us. Whether it be school, office work or both, it is always at our fingertips, just begging us to take some time to finish that last little project, or to help us out for later in the week. Â
Yet, across social media and also in everyday life, girls (and just about anyone) that don’t partake in at least SOMETHING for their mental health on Sunday, report having a slower week and having more trouble getting up on Monday. So, these are my five self care tips for a restful Sunday!
1. Go to sleep early
During the week, if you start your day early, you are likely to lose out on sleep due to the fast paced environment, at home and at work. This may seem obvious, but when you don’t get enough sleep, you will start to feel the effects of it pretty soon. You’ll find yourself being less alert, trouble staying awake during the week, and will overall just feel sluggish, which no one wants. Nothing is more important than your health, and sleep is the start of building a good foundation!
2. Get out and go for a walk (weather permitting)
Studies show that going outside and getting some fresh air can be the best activity that you can do, releasing dopamine from exercising while also clearing your mind, thus reducing stress and potentially improving sleep quality.
3. Make a list of goals to accomplish for the week
Having a list of aspirations for the week can help keep you motivated, and keeping everything in the same place can also help with your organization! You want to start off on a fresh slate for the week, and this is a tip that I always make sure to implement into my routine EVERY Sunday.
4. Stretching and meditating
Decluttering your mind is one of the most important things that a person can do. This helps with anxiety and depression, and a low cost strategy to deal with stress. Deep breathing during both of these activities can quiet your mind and body, and continuous practice of stretching and meditation can help you focus on your tasks in the week ahead.
5. Listen to your favorite song or album
Sometimes, just having a chill day inside while listening to your favorite music is exactly what you should do! Whether you are productive while cleaning, or just lounging around, music can add just a little bit of extra fun to your self care day!
As the year progresses, it’s necessary to take time for yourself. It is so easy to get wrapped up in the craziness of everything academically and socially, that you can lose yourself in the process. I hope everyone has a relaxing Self Care Sunday, and remember to embrace yourself, always!